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Kenny -
I would start with the basics. You need to do a basic routine 2-3 times a week. Something along the lines of:
Calf raises
Bench press
Barbell row
military press
barbell curl

Do 3 sets of 6 repetitions. Increase repetitions every other workout until you are doing 3 sets of 12 reps - then add weight and drop your reps back to 6. If the reps become easy, increase the reps every workout for a few workouts and then go back to every other workout. Use weights that you don't struggle with to begin. Weight increases are typically 10lbs. to the squat and 5lb. to the other exercises. Do this for 3-4 months minimum. Remember, you don't want to go hard and heavy during this time - just make sure you are working and not loafing but don't beat yourself up either. Your focus should be on progression, not on how much you can do. The body will respond if given the opportunity. Don't worry about those that would dissuade you from any of the above exercises (like the bench press) for this time period. You are conditioning your body for later routines.
Do a search here when you are ready for your next routine. Jon Doyle is highly regarded here.

Tim Robertson

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