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To my Senior Friends that are sharing this journey, Momandcpa,Theygrowupfast, Catchallmom, Hawkman, KellerDad, Lovethatbaseball, Lions, ORmom, NRPmom,

Wow, this year is coming to a close rapidly. As I sit at my computer trying to find pictures for my son's Senior Baseball board I find myself very reflective. I am truly thankful and a bit surprised that our team is still playing at this time but at the same time I realize that many of my friend's sons have just completed their HS Baseball journey and I am truly sad for you.

I hope all your memories are good ones and I pray that the years ahead bring you all much joy, health and happiness wherever the journey leads you.

If baseball continues for your son I pray that he stays healthy in the sport and that he finds his college/pro home to be one filled with the same support and guidance he has had during his younger years.

I hope that the baseball community you move onto is just another extension of what you have had here on this website.

I hope that each and everyone of your son's continue on the path of success both in the classroom and on the field.

And for the son's that have played their last game of baseball and have chosen not to continue on with the game past HS I hope that the game remains in their hearts and that they pass this love and their talent on to their own son's, in years to come.

I hope those that hang up their cleats and their gloves realize how lucky they were to compete on the HS level and if they ever look back and question why they left the game I hope they do so knowing that they left it on their terms.

In a few short months these young men will be stepping out on their own, our homes will be quietier but our lives full of memories. Once they are on their own there might come a time when our son's experience a void unlike any they have ever had. Hopefully, by experiencing this void they will come to realize that everything we did for them was all in the name of unconditional love and through that realization the void is then filled with understanding and appreciation.

Congrats to all this Senior Year and to those not yet at this stage take the time to enjoy each and every game for it truly is a great sport.
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Great post.

My son walked off the high school baseball field for the last time yesterday, he had lost a tough game but he and his teammates never gave up. He learned a great deal on and off the field over the past 4 years. Hopefully he continues his baseball career in college, but I am sure he will never forget the highs and lows he has experienced, the great friends he has made and the love of the game he has developed. Good luck to all of the seniors out there, always believe in yourselves and never give up the good fight.
Teresa -

Your words truly touched my heart.

My son played his last high school game yesterday. I think I was in denial all year that this day would come. After the game and a very tough loss, the seniors all joined together for one last photo shot on the field. There were many tears from boys and moms!

At least my son was able to contribute to making school records. His team last year was the first in 32 years to win the season undefeated.

And this year, he was able to pitch in the very first playoff game that our district has ever won. He shut down the opposing team, and that coach came to our coach and told him that the pitcher and the game were better than any that he had played all year. (and that included the number one team in all of 3A!!!) **That may not be a big deal to any of you 5A people out there, but it is a really big deal for our small district and town!

That being said, at least I am glad that we are leaving high school baseball with many good memories. I hope that everyone is able to do the same.

Baseball gave my son discipline, responsibility, leadership, sportsmanship, integrity, and friendship. Baseball took him to big cities, small towns, and farming communities. It has given him opportunities of which he never dreamed.

Baseball has changed my little boy into a man -a man who is about to walk across a stage and into another phase of his life.

Hats off to baseball!

Hats off to seniors!!!!

Very well said, and congrats to your son on a fantastic finish to his HS career!! He has had a great season and I hope he continues on to do great things in college w/baseball.

On a personal note, I have enjoyed our PM's/phone calls and posts this past season, it has made this very hard year easier to handle.

Your son, like most of ours has just finished a wonderful journey and from the sounds of your post it has been a great lesson in life, take comfort in this and know that he is now ready to enter the next phase with some great life skills and tools!
Last edited by oldbat-never
And this year, he was able to pitch in the very first playoff game that our district has ever won. He shut down the opposing team, and that coach came to our coach and told him that the pitcher and the game were better than any that he had played all year. (and that included the number one team in all of 3A!!!) **That may not be a big deal to any of you 5A people out there, but it is a really big deal for our small district and town!

Nice post, lovethatbaseball...........

Originally posted by Old Pitcher:


Are you crying? Are you crying? ARE YOU CRYING? There's no crying!


Rogers Hornsby was my manager, and he called me a talking pile of pig****. And that was when my parents drove all the way down from Michigan to see me play the game. And did I cry NO. NO. And do you know why?
Because there's no crying in baseball. THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL! No crying!

Big Grin
My son had a tough loss on Saturday night and when he came off the field there didn't need to be any other words spoken between us other than I told him I was proud of him.

My wife and I headed for the lake leaving the house empty allowing him to have all of the senior players over without adult interuption and then he came out to the lake and spent the day with us yesterday.

Not a word was spoken about baseball, college, graduation, prom....anything, other than just enjoying a windy day at the lake.

He now has an offer from a D1 and he's mulling that over as he looks to his future plans.

Right now he just wants to rest his body up in time to give it all for DBat this summer.

It's sure been a roller coaster ride the last 4 years.
Keller Dad -

Glad for your son that he has a chance to play at a D1.

Yesterday, my son came up to me and told me, "Thanks, mom, for always coming to my games and supporting me. I think it just now hit me that high school ball is all over."

At least my son, like yours, will enjoy another summer of ball with his friends. It is definitely a time to look forward with anticipation and excitement, but yet a time to look backwards and reflect on all the memories.
Your post is making me cry-for about the 5th time in the past week. I don't know if I'll make it through the next few weeks! Last week was my son's last high school game-playoff hopes gone with the last game's loss-it's been a tough season and not what we'd hoped for his senior year-but I still wasn't ready for it to end...It was also Senior Night-double whammy! Don't know what my son's "letter" to us said-I didn't want to listen too closely or I knew I'd lose it on the field-now I wish I had! Mailed off graduation announcements last week-how can he be graduating already? Prom was this past weekend-that can't be my little boy-more tears...It's really starting to hit me this week. The "last" everything is happening and I'm so not prepared...I'm so happy for him and so proud of him but I know everything's about to change and it makes me so sad...I just want him to enjoy college and the great experiences he's going to have as much as I did then I'll be o.k. again-at least until my sophomore graduates!!
K.D. tell Nick congrats for me. He's a great kid and was a joy to coach and watch play.

OBN: Tell Britton congrats on his scholarship. Another great kid to coach and watch play.

O.P. I may have a part-time gig for you next spring if you are interested in it. If nothing else it would keep you around the game.
Last edited by L.A.
Well, I must say there is alot of sentimental **** written in this thread....

I might miss Little Crawdad when he leaves, but right now that is hard to imagine. Of course I still have a 9 year old son at home who still thinks that I know everything and that I can do anything. In the case of Little Crawdad, I know NOTHING and I can't do ANYTHING.

That gets old.

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