2016Southpaw has decided to go the JUCO route and has received interest from 4 schools in state. However, no definite offers as of yet....
2016Southpaw had his first scrimmage of the year on Saturday. With him being a Senior, the team captain and #1 in the rotation, he gets the nod to start on the bump
First inning 18 pitches 2Ks.
Second inning 23 pitches 2K's a BB and a hit
3rd inning base hit, K, and passed ball.....THEN
-runner on 3rd heads home, 2016Southpaw runs to cover home, gets the ball late to get the runner out on the tag. In the process of avoiding collision, he gets airborne, his left spike gets caught in runners helmet and when his right foot lands, his ankle goes towards RF and his knee goes towards LF......
Writhing on the ground he lets out a loud excruciating growl.... We now know that this IS NOT GOOD. He gets carried to the dugout from numerous coaches and the school trainer checks him out and makes the evaluation that the ACL is good, but MCL is damaged. We inform trainer that we are taking him to the ER for precaution. He states that he has evaluated him and he is fine and will ice him up and add a knee immobilizer; that by going to ER we will be waste of our time...
We decide to take him to ER to get checked out. X-rays are negative for structural damage. The ER advises us to visit the walk in clinic at the Orthopedics Center on Monday morning.
Monday morning at start of business, we are at the orthopedic clinic and low and behold they have an open appointment at 830. We see the Dr., he checks out 2016Southpaw and gives him the most horrible news....The ACL is at torn at the least.
As we all received the news; Mom, myself and 2016SouthPaw are in tears. Doctor orders an MRI at 1 PM and schedules an appointment to get results of MRI yesterday at 430.
MRI confirmed a ruptured ACL and a tear in the PCL. Meniscus is good.
2016Southpaw has another appointment tomorrow to discuss the timetable for the surgery.
Not sure what/where/or how to deal with the recruiting process now...
I hope I have not seen 2016SouthPaw's last game on the ball field