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Well, senior moms, it is almost over. We have 10 games left not counting play-offs. I can't believe it.

The school where my son is going to play next year had a big game today. I decided to listen to it on the radio - school is 4 hours away. It hit me, this is how I will be spending my weekends next year - listening for his name on the radio. He may not even play next year, so I'll be listening hard for those opportunities when they just might put him is the game. My husband heard the radio on and laughed a little. I said 'that's your future". Wow, sad to think after all these years my "spectator" days are about over.
An expert at anything was once a beginner.
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I think you will be pleasantly suprised how fun it is to listen the games on the radio or watch on Gametracker. You will still know every play by play, so ya still have lots to talk about when your son calls after a game. I got to listen to my sons game on ESPN radio recently,(he is a frosh)he came into the game in the fourth, down by six, his role was just to finish out the game and preserve the pitching staff for the next days game.
It was so funny listening to the announcer try to say interesting things about my son for six innings. It was a crack up, but the announcer was doing his best to keep the chatter going - I am sure he was scouring the Media Guide for any tid bit to share. We really got a kick out of it!
I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you will still be just as involved in the games - and guess what? You're also able to get some stuff done around the house while you are glued to the radio or computer. It is different, but it's still FUN!
Originally posted by HitaHomer1:
That's true. I can scrapbook, clean, watch the dog AND follow the game. That is sounding better all the time.

Multi-tasking ... it's a wonderful thing. But I am sure it isn't unique to the distaff members of the board so perhaps this should be posted in the general forum where everybody, even trolling HSBBWebsters, can comment. *insert degree of sarcasm as deemed appropriate*
Yesterday we had a game @ our home field. Beautiful day- playing the national anthem, watching the flag wave in the breeze, and crying! Oh boy, it's going to get harder to control the tears as we approach the last games. I'm not the only senior mom that battles tears @ the games. What a wonderful, bittersweet time. It also seems like the boys are getting more sentimental with each other and spending as much time together as possible. The future will hold wonderful things but we're just trying to enjoy this last month of games. Boo-hoo...
I am suffering for all of you senior moms vicariously ... been exactly where you all are and every post I read reminds me of that bittersweet time in my life. Please know that those of us ... moms and dads (lest we be accused of being biased towards women) who have gone down that road before you understand. Hopefully we have made the walk a bit easier for you all.
Been through this twice already fellow moms... it is hard. #3 is a junior, so we've got one more year, but I will not deny that even now I sometimes get choked up when I realize how fast it's all gone... by the time I went through it with #2, my older kids were old enough to decide (amongst themselves, as they clearly talked about me on a regular basis!) that I was cracking up and should probably be on anti-depressants. They would call me during a game and say "well, have you cried yet Mom?" Which would of course make me cry! I don't care what Tom Hanks says - there's plenty of crying in baseball, especially when it's senior year!

(Let me add, however, that this crying will seem like nothing when you see your son walking his bride down the aisle after they say "I do"! Forewarned is forearmed!)
Ok My3sons, don't scare me. I love son's girlfriend, but am hoping there won't be wedding bells for a long while. Senior year is hard enough. Though my nephew just got married and so my nine year old daughter has since planned her whole wedding Smile.

The boys are getting sentimental. Son has an exceptional group of seniors that he plays with (I've seen three groups go by and I can definitely say this is an exceptional group) and they are really bonding. Had a rough week, so had a team only - no coaches meeting Friday, then ate dinner together, then breakfast the next day before their game. They are definitely having a good time together - which makes it even more bitter sweet. My son's 3 BB buddies are all going to the same JUCO next year. He is sad about that. He chose to play for a four year college - didn't want JUCO, but he is feeling a little left out. Its nice to know that at ball fields everywhere all of us crazy BB moms are grieving together.
We have two games left and then playoffs. We won our league. But today and Thursday(senior day) will be hard. We have so enjoyed HS baseball. Minor things here and there but overall it has been a great experience.It will be weird making the adjustment to college baseball. Thankfully my son is a litle over and hour away so we know where we will be spending fri, sat and sunday home games.
but its the end of thier childhood and they are men.I will have emptynest syndrome. I have already signed up to go back and finish my bachelors becasue I know it will be an adjustment. For all those still in the HS years cherish it , it went by in a flash.
Hope you all have a wonderful senior night with lots of great memories.

I was at your spot last year and didn't know how I would get through the year with my son gone - after reading lots of past threads (there's tons of good stuff about what you'll need for the dorm) and getting encouragement - I've almost made it through his freshman year! It's been OKAY - you will make it also!

Oh the passages we moms have to go through whether we want too or not. I just smile every time I see a mom with the "little leaguer" - I just want to tell her to relax and enjoy the time as it goes by so fast. But she wouldn't listen to me just as I didn't listen - she's too busy trying to get everyone where they need to be, etc!

Enjoy the summer with your mischievious graduated boys - they have been known to try parents patience with their anticipated freedoms that they want to start early!! crazy
Well ladies, we had senior night today and I actually made it through without crying! The 9 seniors were called onto the field before the game. The moms were given flowers and the boys were given a wooden engraved bat by the coaches. Very cool...

The great thing was winning our league. It came down to this last game and our team needed to win to be sole champions and not co-champions like last year. We have had a great year, really fun, and wonderful coaches. Next up is sectionals (and I may cry at those games). These 4 years have flown by and luckily for me I've had the hsbbweb to hold my hand through the tough times.I've learned so much from all you posters-thank you.
Won our first state play-off game. Lost today so hs ball is over. Our senior boys got a little teary eyed and of course, so did the moms. It was a fantastic group of kids - hard working, great attitude, leaders etc. My son has batted .500 in conference and didn't get a hit today and he probably made 3 errors all year and he had an error - so he didn't go out on a high note. We got whipped though, so don't think it would have mattered. I have thought through all the years on the ride home - from when he was four years old and waving to me from the outfield all the way to now. I think I would be distraught if he was finished for good. Thanks moms for this web site and this forum. I too smile at the little league boys. There is someone on the street behind me doing batting practice. When I am out in the yard I hear the ball pinging off the bat. Wonder how I'll feel next spring when I hear it.
As I am writing, my senior son is off watching Clovis High play Stockdale for the Central Section D1 finals. We (Clovis East) lost to Clovis last Tuesday night in one of the most thrilling games I have ever seen in my life. We had home runs, we had amazing hits, incredible plays, a coach ejection, and it all came down to the final at bat, the final pitch:
Bottom of the 7th we're ahead 10-9, we are guests so Clovis is up to bat, runners on 1 and 3, wild pitch sends 1 to 2. Pitch count goes to 0 -2 (there are two out), and the final pitch is hit, bounces off the right field wall, both runners come in, and we lose the game, 11 - 10.
Our boys were just devastated - in shock - and I learned the hardest thing as a baseball mom - to watch your son and all his friends he has played with since 7th grade, lose thier chance to go on to the Championships, and not be able to "fix" anything for them. We are a team that has never been over .500 in 8 years. Clovis is a come-from -behind team this year too - no one gave them a prayer at the start of the season. They have worked hard too.
Now my son and a few of his friends and parents plus some parents from the other team (because ,yes, we played travel ball with them and the boys on the Clovis team are great friends) took a motor home down to the game, hopefully to celebrate a Clovis win, and to officially retire the season.
We had awards last night - my son got the Silver Slugger award - ended up with a .405 BA and only struck out 6 times in 92 Ab and hit 4 Home runs with 33 RBI.
College decision is next, and he will most likely go to a JC after a summer of playing ball with the Clovis Outlaws.
I've said it before - baseball has been a very good friend to him, and I am grateful for all the experiences we have had. How lucky we are to be able to live every moment of it.
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get the third out.
sounds like you had a great season. I always think to myself that you just want them to go out with a good game that they can be proud of. sounds like your guys had a battle.
we play for section title on monday. only three times in schools history as i mentioned on another post that we have made it this far. and I know the boys are pumped up and if we lose, whichever team loses it will be sad. but exciting to have made it this far and its the end of anera for our senior boys. Monday regardless of a section win or 2nd place it will be my son and 10 others seniors last highschool game and for some there last baseball game. I was scrap booking today putting together some photo albums and I was focusing on the baseball one, it brought back so many great memories. so much fun. good luck to all the senior boys in whatever they do.I pray Lord keep them safe.

I'm not quite following - are the college coaches moving to a different school and want your son to now follow them? You may want to post this in the recruiting forum if you haven't already.

I'm so sorry that things aren't what you thought they would be! I understand - my son signed with a D2 school last spring and then guess what - the coach that signed him was fired. But things worked out great - the new coach was awesome and things worked out great. He had a good experience with his first year of college and baseball.

We all need to take it seriously about finding a school (that fit thing) that our boys will be happy with whether they play for a certain coach or they decide to quit baseball. I've seen several freshman baseball boys (D1 players to JUCO) hang them up this year for different reasons.

I do understand about liking a certain coach - you never know what you are going to get.

Prayers and chocolate are being sent your way!!
High school baseball is officially over! Had our awards last night (finally). Short ceremony due to students studying for finals (less than 1 hour for freshman, JV, Varsity). It's hard to believe it's all over and that the petty little things I worried about are done. Things like some parents never helping with any extra work, complaining parents, unorganized coaches at times. And yet, over time I know what I will really remember is all the fun times with the players and the parents. We had a blast for 4 years and couldn't have asked for a better baseball experience.

Warning: I am going to brag a little bit so skip this paragraph if you don't want to hear it!

A little background: senior academic awards last week same night as an important summer team game. Son and friends elected to go to awards even though summer coach was not happy about missing 4 players. We sat through 1 1/2 hours of awards. They called up all the students getting university scholarships and forgot to call my son's name!!!! Needless to say I was bummed.

Last night @ baseball awards coach was announcing scholar-athletes (3.5gpa and above) and son's name wasn't being called. Husband looked at me like it was happening again. Coach finally says "we saved this player for last because not only is he a scholar-athlete but he has the highest gpa on the team and is a national scholar-athlete"(my son).

On to team awards.The 1st one was for the athlete that hustled, had alot of spirit, etc. Kind of thought that fit my son, but no, went to a kid that had an emergency appendectomy, got out of hospital and drove 8 hours to our tourney just to be with team over Spring break. He did deserve it.

Next award, most improved (kinda hoped son would'nt get this one). He didn't.

Next award, team MVP. We have 5 D1 signees, one will most likely be drafted this week. Great 2 way player and a great kid. The coach goes on to explain why the 3 coaches picked the player as MVP. Great hustle, team leader, great person on and off the field, hard worker, played every varsity game for 4 years,etc. We're sure he's going to say our #1 pitcher......... and lo and behold he announces our son's name!!!!!! My husband and I were very shocked and very proud. Our son has worked really hard for many years and to be recognized by our coaches was very special for him. It seems to mean more to us as parents than to him. He's a very humble kid but as you can tell I am a proud parent.

A nice way to end high school baseball........
CABB, congratulations to your son! I'm sure it was awesome to see him acknowledged in so many wonderful ways!

My husband and I are having a rough time this week. Last Friday, son's team lost the regional finals. We were literally one out away from reaching the state tournament. It was the death of a dream and my son and his teammates were devastated. Son was inconsolable for at least 30 minutes afterwards, and our coach wrapped his arms around him and tried to comfort him as much as possible. Everyone was sobbing and hugging afterwards -- that is, everyone but me. I had to drive 3 hours back home during the last game in order to pick up my daughter from a friend's house and help her pack for a week-long school trip that started at 4 a.m. the following morning. It is still really bothering me that I wasn't there to see son's last game or hug him afterwards.

We did okay emotionally over the weekend, but yesterday, things began to sink in.....the finality of it all....the realization that son will never play another high school game.......the thought of his having to say goodbye to his teammates, many of whom he has played with since age 8 or 9 in Little League.....seeing the large tote bag in our entry hall that we took to every game and knowing we will never again need it......the sense of loss my husband and I are feeling as we realize how much we'll miss seeing all the baseball parents -- week in, week out -- next year......the last final exam, signifying the end of his academic year (ironically, as we struggled to keep him on task during his 9 months of senioritis, we couldn't wait 'til he graduated!).....the awful reminder that when he heads off to college in 2 1/2 months, life will never be quite the same.

Yesterday, son and his teammates turned in their uniforms. The coach called all of the seniors into a separate room and poured out his heart to him, crying as he did it. The senior slideshow and BBQ are today at the school, followed by cap and gown pick-up tomorrow, graduation practice on Thursday, and graduation ceremonies on Saturday night. Thankfully, the baseball banquet will not be until next Monday, so at least I'll get some closure and be able to say my farewells to everyone then.

It's funny -- as a parent, you ofentimes can't wait until they:
* grow up
* graduate
* get that college baseball scholarship

And then, when you're nearing the end, you desperately wish you could rewind the tape.....
Last edited by Infield08
Well Infield, you made me cry. I'm so sorry for your son and his team to have made it that far and to have been so close. That's baseball though and if you play long enough there'll always be heartbreaking moments like those. I wonder when the boys are playing in college if we'll look back on high school without the pain of that last loss??

This time with our seniors is so precious and we are all at a crossroads in our lives. Out with the old of 18 years and in with the new. Transitions are tough and will be tougher on us parents than the kids. Boys can be very emotional and sensitive as we've seen when they play their last high school game. It's sure been a fun ride that isn't just about moving on to college, it's about moving on from baseball that started for many kids with t-ball, then Little League, and so on up the ladder.

I hope we can count on the experienced college parents on this site to hold our hands alittle in the next few years.
CaBB, congrats to your son. That is awesome that those coaches recognized all his qualities.

I cried today. Its hitting me that he is leaving. He got released from the DII and is following the coaches to a DI. The DII ended up getting #2 in the DII CWS. Son is counting on the coaches to turn the DI around like they did the DII. He had signed early and everything was set. Now we have been scurrying around to get everything finalized and in to the school. It has been crazy, but it has kept my mind off the fact that he will soon be leaving. I will miss him.
First of all, HitaHomer1, allow me to congratulate you and your family for your son's "bump up"!!! How exciting! It sounds as if your son's college coaches have a lot of talent. If they were able to turn the D2 around and take it to the CWS, surely they'll have great success at the D1 also.

I'm sure you're going crazy trying to get all your son's ducks in a row at the new school. Hang in there!

I'm so sorry about the emotions you are feeling. I felt them earlier this summer and I know I will again in the coming weeks. A couple of days ago, I did some errands with my son and had a nice time with him. On the drive home I said, "You know, Dad and I are really going to miss you." He was quiet and didn't say anything. I then elaborated a bit, saying, "We're very excited for you as you head off to college and I know you'll have a great time there, but we'll still miss you a lot." Silence...... At this point, I don't think he's worried about missing us at all!

Hang in there. They say that time heals all wounds and I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon.
Last edited by Infield08
The reality of my son leaving is really starting to sink in now that all the excitment of graduation and the senior trip is over.

I have realized not only am I going to miss my son, I will really really miss his high school teammates and their presence around our house. I'm going to miss all the games, all the high school parents (well, most of them), and our coaches. And, especially our special principal that was such a huge supporter of the team (she's moving to another school).

And son is really ready to move on and start his journey in the next phase of his life. As a mom I am so happy for him and want him to leave knowing he has our full love and support. In this months Better Homes and Gardens magazine there's a short article about letting go of your kids as you send them off the college. It said they can get more confrontational as they assert their independence and get ready to leave. The author said you have to treat them like fish- catch and release!

As we start getting all his stuff ready to go and do school clothes shopping I'm just trying to focus on the positives:

lower monthly water bill (no more 2 showers/day
Less laundry (fewer towells from above)
Save on gas as freshmen can't have cars
Fewer groceries- he and all his friends won't be eating everything in the fridge
cleaner house- above not around to make messes

So, off they go soon and I'm sure I'll only cry part of the way home!
We just found out that son's school has a 'Goodbye Breakfast' where the parents are supposed to say their goodbyes and then depart so the kids can get on with their lives. Breakfast starts at 8am....however, our flight is at 5am.....I can't change it because it involves connections in San Francisco and Tokyo (and I absolutely have to be back to work the next day).....I feel like dookie about this....I hope he still goes, because it kills me to picture him sitting alone in his room for this farewell event because we, right from the get-go, can't be there for him........I hope one of his suitemates' parents will maybe pick him up and take him to the breakfast.....but I think it would also be very hard for him to be there without us, when all the other kids are sitting there with their parents......I am hurtin' over this!

God Bless Us, Every One

Krak (hope it's okay I posted here, ladies....I know you understand my feelings here!)
Last edited by Krakatoa
Not to worry. He won't be the only one in this situation, some nice parents will scoop him into their group and it will be fine. You will say your own goodbyes as a family, and he will be ready for you to leave. (Doesn't that sound harsh?) But it is true. cry

Last year I wrote about dropping my son off. We thought it would take a while to get him moved in the dorm and all, but there were lots of campus groups that were helping the freshman move in, so with their help it only took minutes to get him in the dorm. Then he was just looking at us, like "ok, see ya".

There was a band playing in the center of the campus village, all the kids were coming and going, the place was electric with such a high energy I was wishing I was the one starting this new adventure. But, the coolest thing was after all was said and done and we were heading out across campus, I take a look back and there was my son with his 6 new roomies heading in the opposite direction toward the bookstore. Just the body language was to obvious "We are young, we are here, we are free!"

These guys had never met and they were instant best friends and still are.
Of course the "free" part ended a few days later when baseball began

No worries. It will be fine.
(easy for me to say now, a year later Wink
Then he was just looking at us, like "ok, see ya".

Mine was incredulous the other day when I mentioned taking him up to school. "You mean y'all are going up there with me????" he asked. He sounded as if he would have been perfectly happy to wave in his rearview mirror at Mom and Dad back in the driveway at home. Roll Eyes

I had an emotional reaction the other day as I perused the aisles at Costco. I had a coupon for Oxy-Clean, which I have bought by the bucket-load for years, and realized that I will no longer need it to get son's baseball plants clean. Strange reason for feeling sad, but I was sad nonetheless.
Infield 08- same here- son thought we were going to drive him 12 hours to school and drop him off and go home! He couldn't believe there would be orientation stuff for us parents. He doesn't think he's going to miss us but I'm sure he'll have his moments.

Krak- I do feel for you. The good news is that parents that live close by will "adopt" Krak jr. Of all of us you are going to be the farthest away so you can post anytime here.

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