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Around this time of year many seniors, long time ballplayers, guys who seemingly lived to play, will breath it all in one last time and face down their final baseball game. It's inevitable- all who play this great game come to this point. It's a time for remembering all the good times, and the bad; the funny, and the sad. This might be a good time to shed a few tears. It's also a time for family and fans to give recognition and thanks for having the opportunity to watch their favorite player through the years. The game goes on, but the players must change. Here's to all the seniors who have reached the ninth.
"There are two kinds of people in this game: those who are humble and those who are about to be." Clint Hurdle
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Geez spizzle...I thought this thread would be about my advancing age! Eek

Nice thoughts. I watched a senior for my son's team pitch in what is likely his last college game tonight. Didn't get into many games in his college career but stuck with it and earned the respect and admiration of all of his teammates...he was a teammate of my son as early as 8-year old all stars many moons ago. Great kid...already graduated a quarter early...President of his fraternity...probably headed off to a law degree.

He came in during the 9th to get the final two outs. His mother was sitting with us with tears in her eyes. He was interviewed on the campus radio after the game as the "star of the game."

It was GREAT!
He came in during the 9th to get the final two outs. His mother was sitting with us with tears in her eyes. He was interviewed on the campus radio after the game as the "star of the game."

What a great story!

My son is a HS senior. Thankfully, he will be playing college ball, but his high school season is rapidly coming to a close. At some point, I will see the final out, hug him after the game for the last time, decorate the locker room and "chalk the wall" for the final time, help "plan" the last game at a restaurant "strategy session" with other baseball parents, etc. These are memories that will last a lifetime.

Even though my son has plenty of fun times ahead, college ball will never be the same as high school. Yesterday morning, during TV simulcast announcements throughout the 3600-student school, there was a piece on the baseball team. My son said for some strange reason, he was in every picture. The last photo was of him with this phrase displayed at the bottom: "Baseball boys are the cutest!" My son has no idea how he became almost the sole focus of the "slide show" and during practice, his teammates kidded him incessantly, saying his girlfriend must have put the piece together. I don't imagine he will experience that sort of thing in college!

Son's team is in the playoffs and plays a 3-game series in Round 3 this week. Every week could be the last week. We are holding our breaths and hoping that the team makes it all the way through the month of May to the state championship game on June 7!
Sniff,..sniff,..sniff,....I too am a mom of a senior cry ( notice how I purposely didnt say " senior mom " Big Grin )

To all of the seniors headed out to grasp their futures,... I hope you get to where you want to be and become someone you can be proud of. If that means digging ditches or changing the world, we need all of you.
Make something of yourself and don't listen to those who say you cant, because it's quite simple, can.

Be happy. Be truthful. Dedicate yourself, have faith, & enjoy.

In simple Mom terms, good. Smile

Congratulations SENIORS!!!!

( ~ There's a platter of cookies and hugz in the kitchen ~ )
Last edited by shortstopmom
Our HS season is over, the team lost out on playoffs in the second to last game of the season.

So, our HS coach did a very classy thing for the last game. He played ALL of his seniors the entire game. We had a lot of seniors on the team (some of whom sat the bench the entire season), but every single one played in the game; on the field, on the mound, and got to hit. My Jr son and the other Jrs who regularly start, yelled and screamed encouragement to their guys from the dugout. It was one of the most fun games I have been to. After the other team (who needed the win to assure a playoff spot) got a few runs on the board, they joined in too and played all of their seniors. Both teams laughed and had fun, and the fans cheered both teams on loudly. And everyone seemed to forget who won or lost.

After the game, the boys all said they had chills and were teary eyed, as were the fans/parents/moms in the stands.

Now I'm just sitting here, twiddling my thumbs and wondering what am I gonna do with myself until summer season starts????

Had our last hs game Saturday. Many boys and parents had tears in their eyes. Great group of boys on and off the field. I agree with infield08, even though son is playing in college, I know it won't be the same. He won't be playing with and against a bunch of boys that I watched grow up. No moms will be taking pics on the field for post season banquets or dropping off goody bags at the bus. The radio will be my new best friend and someone else will wash those uniforms (yes, I'll even miss that). Hats off to all you seniors who have worked hard to make it this far. Thanks for the memories and all the fun!! Best of LUck Smile
Last league game last Thursday. First playoff game today. One game elimination for the first round. So hoping were still around tonight . Want it to go as far as possible. But a great year. My son won their division and he had a great year. he is going on to play at college so thats a great thing. But HS baseball will be missed.
Tuesday was "senior day" for my daughter's softball team. The last home game where ALL of the seniors play for the last time at home.......Didn't work out that way, even for a non-conference game. I felt bad for the seniors who didn't play much this year---they STILL didn't play much, even on senior day, and they did not all play together. The non-starting seniors, of which there is a majority, played only 2 innings, and in "insignificant" positions. No cook-out, either.

What a shame.
My Sr. threw a shutout to break that's too bad we didn't have 2 of him...we lost the next game to a team he'd yielded 1 earned over 11 innings...A wild ride..whatta roller coaster. I was able to do a log of the entire year over on Letstalkpitching...CaDad has an awesome one over there too. I'll always treasure mine..I'm hoping my son will too.
A senior story: One of our seniors has been a relief player his whole HS career. Then mid-season this year his dad (who rarely is there) asked me why his son didn't play much. I told him it was because his son wanted to be a mid-infielder, but was against another senior and a junior with a lot of talent. I said we really need somebody in left field--nobody owns the job, and he should talk to coach about trying that position. Low and behold next game he's out in left and catches everything out there, keeps doing it for the rest of the season--owns it. (Seems he does better when he has time to spot the ball and position, rather than quick mid-field reactions.) Really becomes a contributor where he was needed. Then he begins hitting with confidence, and his dad is there for most of those last games. Such a great way to finish on the upswing!

We had 3 seniors. On senior day, all batted 1-2-3 and played every inning. Other team (most of whom we've known since LL) also are recognized and play the whole game. Other team won, but it was a great game! Way fun.
Last edited by quillgirl
OK, at the risk of alienating my son, I'll relate to you his last HS game experience. Its too bittersweet to keep a secret.

His team had clinched a district tie with our arch rival and was on its way to the first playoff game in a very small town about 2.5 hours from home. The team was on a bus and arrived way ahead of my wife and I. My son is the starting pitcher, District MVP, and all-regional team member.

About a half hour from the ball park, I receive the following phone call: Son: "Dad", Me: "Yes, son what is it?" Son: "I can't find my baseball pants and coach is ****ed and won't let me start. You have to find pair and bring to the park asap".

Now I'm ****ed, too, and mom in livid. We are 30 min from the nearest sporting goods place. We turn around and manage to buy a pair and head to the park. We arrive in the second inning with our reliver on the mound and the score is 4-0 in the opponents favor. My wife won't leave the car because she's so upset. My son finally gets in the game and pitches a great game, but we had 5 unearned runs due to errors. Anyway, my son goes on to hit a home run, a double, a single and 5 RBI's. The score is 10 - 9 in our favor going into the opponents last at bat...the bottom of the 7th. He strikes out two and one run scores on a Texas blooper to tie the game. There are two outs with runners on 2nd and 3rd. The next batter is intentionally walked. With one more out we go on tied to the next inning. Any thing else, it all may all become just a memory.

He hit the batter with the first pitch. I love my son.
It's hard to believe that after 12 years, starting at T-ball watching zombywoof jr run the wrong way down the 3rd base line when he hit his first ball ball of the tee and fast forward to his last HS varsity game where he tied the game with 2 outs with a line shot to CF and scored the winning run in his last game.

It was a lot of fun watching him over the years grow into a fine ballplayer who had a number of clutch hits and was among the team leaders in RBIs this past season and play tight defense making all the routine plays, some spectacular plays while making only one error the entire season as a full time starter.

It was a real treat over the years to watch him play rec, all-stars, district finals in the CRWS tournament, Cooperstown Dreamspark, playing in pro stadiums and reading about him in the paper as a HS varsity player.

I'll miss it all, spring rec ball, running arund like a nut getting him to all-star tournaments, legion games and high school ball, but it's an exciting time for us and him as he graduates and goes off to college to start the next phase of his life.

It was a fun ride.

Enjoy it while it lasts because that time just flies by.
Last edited by zombywoof
Our last game ended same night as graduation. We went to sub-state game (single elimination) and lost by 1 run in extra innings. Team let the seniors stay on the field together to hug and cry on each others shoulders. While the moms, cried and hugged on each other in the stands. Some had played since they were 6 yrs. old together. School held the back row in the gym with the hope that our boys would make it back in time to actually walk and recieve their diplomas. The boys put their gowns over their uniforms and attached their tassels to their baseball caps and made it with 15 minutes to spare. They received a standing ovation and cheers from the students & parents at graduation. Son said he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Originally posted by mcphesh:
Our last game ended same night as graduation. We went to sub-state game (single elimination) and lost by 1 run in extra innings. Team let the seniors stay on the field together to hug and cry on each others shoulders. While the moms, cried and hugged on each other in the stands. Some had played since they were 6 yrs. old together. School held the back row in the gym with the hope that our boys would make it back in time to actually walk and recieve their diplomas. The boys put their gowns over their uniforms and attached their tassels to their baseball caps and made it with 15 minutes to spare. They received a standing ovation and cheers from the students & parents at graduation. Son said he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

I agree SSMom, that's a great story and wonderful memory for all one day!
Last edited by lafmom

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