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Here is some information from the Federal Citizen Information Center.

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Separating Steroid Facts from Fiction in the McGwire Era

For many people, baseball superstar Mark McGwire’s recent admission that he used steroids is creating more questions than answers about these drugs: Is it safe to use steroids to recover from a sports injury? What about using them for asthma? Can you really get addicted to steroids? Get the answers to these questions and more with this free information about steroids and their use from the Federal Citizen Information Center:

The Basics - Learn about the different types of steroids and what they do from's steroid facts page and the National Institutes of Health’s InfoFacts
Medical Use - Some steroids are prescribed legitimately by doctors to treat ailments, including bone injuries , shoulder problems , and asthma
In Sports – Learn about doping in sports and what measures are used to detect the drug
Drug abuse – Recreational use of steroids can quickly turn into Anabolic Steroid Abuse
Creatine – Although not a steroid, people sometimes confuse the two. Learn about the risks and benefits of using this popular supplement

Visit to learn more about current health issues and other important consumer information.


The Federal Citizen Information Center connects people with government benefits, services and information through its family of websites, including,, and; by phone at 1 (800) FED-INFO (that's 1 (800) 333-4636) and with publications by mail from Pueblo, Colorado. FCIC is part of the U.S. General Services Administration’s Office of Citizen Services.
______________ [b][i]"If you can read this, thank a teacher, and since it's in English, thank a soldier !!"[/b][/i]
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Originally posted by CPLZ:
Originally posted by DaddyBo:
I would think most people aren't separating fact from fiction. Big Grin

In that case...I look just like George Clooney*

*on a very dark night, in a room with the shades drawn.

If, by "George Clooney", you meant "Art Rooney"...then yeah, I see your point.
Originally posted by trojan-skipper:
Hey Frank; is Runyan Field still beautiful? played there many moons ago.

Yep. Not to quibble, but it's spelled Runyon (after Damon Runyon). I'm not sure how many moons ago it was for you, but it's even better now. They have three new fields (six total). 10 and under thru college size fields.

Here's their website (such as it is). The History link is very interesting including the Babe playing an exhibition game there in 1938 and former home to the Pueblo Dodgers (their single A affiliate a LONG time ago).
Last edited by FrankF

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