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Now I know that some of you have had a problem with “dolphin mom” in the past and whatever your feelings on someone are it gives you no right to censor something as silly as a post about the CPS playoffs. Please get off your high horse. I don’t want to sponsor a website that moderates like this. I see absolutely no reason why you would close that thread other that reasons besides what are ethical. While I no longer am a coach at Lane, you dang well better believe I want to know what is going on in the CPS playoffs and this site can get me that info quicker than anyone. I can understand if “DM” opened a thread about a regular season game or and ode’ to jr. like “she” used too. The truth is “DM” has been nothing but reasonable for a long time now on this site. There is nothing in any of those two posts about players names or agendas, only schools, dates and times.

I ask you why that needs to be censored? It doesn’t make sense to me.
If I put that thread up would you have closed it?

Per your words:
This is not a democracy, and I don't care what your opinion on the matter is. I will not tolerate people using this forum for venting, agendas, or attacks at either persons or organizations.You are not entitled to free speech here, it is a privilege granted by MnMom, owner of this site. Abuse your privilege, you will be gone.Don't bother to create a second account to anonymously criticize others. I will take the posts down and have you banned. For you, it will be an exercise in futility.Be nice and disagree respectfully, please.

None of those things happend here so why did you close the thread?

Keep working hard,
Justin Stringer
Do It Right Baseball
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Complete agreement with every single point, right down to the behavior of "D mom and dad", made by the honorable JS, former LT coach.(did not know this, sorry to see you go, you always struck me as a classy guy, good luck to you).

Anyhow, the post in question was just a heads up on the last few CPS playoff games, there wasn't even a score mentioned so why should it go in the results thread?
Originally posted by LTBB47:

None of those things happend here so why did you close the thread?

Keep working hard,
Justin Stringer
Do It Right Baseball

You are jumping to the wrong conclusions here.

The financial realities of running this site are that each thread that is opened costs bandwidth, and those costs have been running pretty high due to the popularity of the site. It became a policy under a previous moderator that no team or conference should have their own threads for the purpose of updating scores or everyday activities, because this would cause a huge jump in costs if we allowed that precedent. I have subscribed to that same policy, and hence, no team or conference will get their own threads for normal business as usual topics, they can be posted in the appropriate thread.

There is no censorship going on here, and regardless of what DM has done in the past, I have no axe to grind. He and everyone else, is perfectly welcome to post schedules and results about their team and conferences in the thread marked, "Post Scores Here". Everyone gets the same treatment, no one is special or persecuted.

Originally posted by LTBB47:
If I put that thread up would you have closed it?

Yup, with the same polite message.

It is nothing more than maintaining some fiscal responsibility so that this site can remain viable for everyone, including good sponsors like yourself.
Last edited by CPLZ
Illinois Moderator and Website Owner.....

Websites are all about traffic. Traffic generates advertising revenue. That is a good thing. A website such as this is all about the sharing of baseball information. Shutting down the CPS Playoff thread makes no sense in this day and age of sharing of information. A website to be relevant needs readers and it also needs writers.

The argument about bandwidth cost is just nonsense because of the existence of too many threads. Threads are keyword searchable and via the major search engines this leads to traffic and thus more readers. The major search engines are Google, Yahoo, etc.

Burying announcements of interest (such as the CPS Playoff schedule) which Internet Readers are interested in finding only makes the website less relevant to the baseball community. If that is the goal then you are doing a great job of that. Once again, if Google or Yahoo cannot search using their sophisticated technology to find the information someone is looking to obtain you as the Moderator are diminishing hits and readers which eventually leads to diminished revenue.

Hopefully you get it, but perhaps not. Understanding how the web of the Internet functions is key to understanding how a website generates readers and revenue.

The Internet is still a new phenomenon for many people. I understand that many people still do not get it.
Last edited by Dolphin Mom
So each thread that is open cost money…what about the pages of pages of absolute non-sense that is stored in the 49 pages in the IL forum? From the summer battles about travel teams to the annual PBR hoopla there is a ton of garbage in these pages. My favorite of all those is the 5 pages that we paid for talking about Rod Bigliarvich.

What I am saying is that the CPS playoff thread that was started had some actual value to the HSBASEBALL WORLD and people who follow it in IL. The CPS playoffs are not normal business, whatever you may think about it, a lot of people take that very seriously. The CPS doesn’t do the greatest job in getting the word out about it events, most importantly being exact times and locations. All of this info was put in a thread in which people could easily find it if they were looking for it, I was on Thur, and I was lucky enough to get to Horner to watch about 15 runs cross the plate at WY/LV.

As far as no conferences and special threads don’t pan that off on someone else. There is a CPS playoff thread from last year that I heard no complaining about so I don’t think it was the last moderators decision to do that. I don’t remember another one since him so I’m assuming you mean you. Why don’t you just go through all of these old pages and threads and hack off useless threads? You seem to be dead set on doing house cleaning on this site so that would be a great chance for you.

You have accomplished your goal of decreasing threads and bandwiths thus maintaining fiscal responsibility, the amount of activity since you took over as big brother has dropped off of the charts. I have always been an observer by nature (224 posts since 10/05), my guess is you were the opposite (2130 posts since 10/06). What I have observed is something that is not right and I must stick up for what I believe is unjust. Anyone who has been here long enough knows what this is all about. You are trying to settle old scores and censor someone who you don’t care for. Well I won’t be a part of anything like that and I most certainly will not be supporting a site with someone in charge who operates unethically.

I am drawing my line in the sand here…If you don’t put the CPS playoff thread up again then please instead take down my ad banner and tell Julie to call me when you step down as moderator.

Keep working hard,
Justin Stringer
Do It Right Baseball
It's pretty obvious that you started this thread with a preconceived notion of motives. It's also obvious now that you have no desire to accept any explanation other than the one that you surmised in your original post. For some reason, it seems your priority here is to be right, rather than reasonable. That is unfortunate.

I fail to see how upholding a single standard, and applying it universally to everyone equally can be construed as unethical. If you have evidence of some hypocrisy on my part, then you would have the foundation for your argument, but there isn't.

There is no censorship of DM or CPS. As I have stated, the posts are most welcome. I don't see how directing them to the proper thread, (which was done politely) within the forum should be such cause for ire and anger.
Last edited by CPLZ

Are you proposing that YOU are the voice of reason? A man pretending to be a woman? Stop it. And stop fanning the flames on this... The moderators have a right to organize the board's content as they see fit. And if someone IS keeping you in check, Mrs. Ormond, can you REALLY blame them, based on your history? As an old friend, who is dear to both of us would say, "let's move on".
What would have been the harm in leaving the CPS thread alone ? " Bandwidth " ? cmon youve got to be kidding . I see nothing wrong with differentiating the CPS scores from the rest of them .


What happened to letting the voices of the board help to decide matters like this ? You yourself ( before you became moderator ) were an outspken proponent of such . Have you forgotten ?

Restore the thread and chalk it up as a mistake and move on . Do the right thing

Absolutely no valid reasoning for this


I usually dont agree too often with the views by Mr. Stringer and i most certainly have a problem siding with Mark -Dolphin Mom , especially since i have first hand knowledge of him --along with the Bergen -Naz guy -- being involved with the travel ball website that caused so many problems on here . But i have to put my personal feelings aside here and go with what is right .
Last edited by Mr. Nobody

While I agree with you, it's not going to happen, because in the past words of the moderator of this site from the "In case you were wondering" thread

"This is not a democracy, and I don't care what your opinion on the matter is.

You are not entitled to free speech here, it is a privilege granted by MnMom"

Quoted directly, and not taken out of context I don't believe.
Now that most have weighed in on something as silly as an administrative organization issue, I've elected to close this thread, as I wouldn't want it to distract anyone from honoring those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country on tomorrows Memorial Day. I can only hope the day will be met with as much fervor and intensity as was shown here...
Last edited by CPLZ
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