I can understand a coach in HS calling the pitches at the beginning of the season if he is breaking in an inexperienced catcher. However, halfway through the season this catcher should
have learned the routine of what his coach has been calling and should be able to take over.
I am amazed at the number of coaches that call all the pitches in DI, even at this late stage
of the college season. A starting catcher at the college level should have enough intelligence and experience to call as smart of a game as the coach would. And in my opinion should actually be able to a better job of it. After all, he's warmed the pitcher up in the bullpen before the game and before every inning. He knows what pitches the pitcher has command of that particular day( every day is different). He should know what the pitcher likes to throw and has more confidence in. And it doesen't take ALL DAY to get the sign back to the pitcher which
in turn helps to keep the fielders on their toes.
Hopefully this bench-calling will finally stop and allow these games to move along faster than
a snails' pace. There's no good reason for it!
BTW in Conference USA I haven't seen a coach that doesn't call all the pitches- even in blow-out games.