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As a 2025, I just played in front of a college that I do like and a school that I know I am a fit at. The only problem is that the coach doesn't really use email, and I am wondering if it's okay for me to call the coach and see what the next steps would be. Is this okay to do?

If they haven't reached out after seeing you play I would recommend focusing on other programs.

So you should feel comfortable by now in picking up the phone and calling the coach.  If he doesn't pick up the phone then send him a follow up text.  As a 2025, you're running out of time, and need to know something now.  Depending on his answer, you should be moving forward with this particular school and others on your list.   So, I've always been of the mind you NEVER stop reaching out to programs until you are committed.  Sure there are going to be programs that you aspire to, but you never stop talking with other coaches too.  You're only going to be as good as your options.  Get together with your parents and figure out the best path from those options.

JMO, and good luck!

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