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I am on a 10 game contract right now in the Valley League. Despite previous efforts with working with a Sports Psychologist, and other coaches, I am still struggling with the Yips. I am primarily a MIF who will debut tomorrow night for the first time with summer team.  What I am having trouble debating right now is whether or not to let the coach know of my issue.  I fear that letting him know will lead to my contract not being extended and possibly not playing at all tomorrow night.  But I also am taking into consideration his safety and the safety of others (i.e. pre-infield).  Also, If arrant throws do happen, I do not want him to be surprised and dismayed by the situation... There is also the possibility that I can perform and just override everything... but that is never a guarantee having the Yips...


I can hit.  Some power for a little guy, but I can hit and run.  Arm, when okay, is strong, especially at long distance...


Thoughts? recommendations?


Thanks in advance.



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For now (the duration of the 10-day), I think you're stuck just going out there and trying to deal with it.  For the long term, you should investigate "brainspotting" treatments.  Yips are not just psychological; it's neuro-psychological and deserves specialized treatment.  Anecdotally speaking, one of my son's teammates (a catcher) was diagnosed and participated in three treatments. He's cured.

*Thanks guys

Screw it.

I'm gonna take my boat to the island and burn the boat, forcing me to face the island and either survive or die.  Right now I am comfortable laying down saying I choose to survive, but come the situation, I hope to God I will have that comfort and hunger, channeling all that fear I will feel into the right path.  I choose to be loose.  I choose to let it go.  Ball in hand, load back and fire through the target as fluid as I possibly can.  I choose to let it go.

I've seen other guys beat this thing, I can do it too.

I swear if I'm lucky to get through this, I WILL NEVER TAKE THROWING FOR GRANTED EVER AGAIN!


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