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Fungo must be hitting the old fishing hole early this Monday morning!

I assume you are talking HS in tryouts. I've never heard a coach ask, but generally I have seen players run out to PREFERRED positions in tryout and then the coach puts them where he wants. Now, as far as going up to a coach and offering "I would rather play 'position x'," would be a definite no-no.
Good morning Fungo!

I think its fine for a HS player to tell a HS coach where his preferred position is as long as they leave it at that and don't nag or whine. I think most HS coaches will either ask or figure it out anyways based on where the kids go during tryouts and early practices.

From my observations, coaches will find a spot on the field for the 9 best players (often that means 9 best hitters in HS) one way or another. Right now our HS son is flipping back and forth between 3B and RF with another kid because both are pretty good and they want both of them in the lineup.

Ice fishin' today? Wink
Last edited by justbaseball

We always has players fill out a "Profile" and on it, they list their top 3 positions. Before cuts are over, we make sure that they get to play each of these positions. Who knows, a lump of coal in infield might be a diamond in the rough as an outfielder.

BTW, and not to hijack this thread but how are things now? Is the diamond ready for play after the tornado?
Last edited by CoachB25
coaches put people in positions that make the team stronger. In my years I wanted the best chance to win and my players knew that. Many times kids moved from one position to another. Believe me it is only the beginning if they intend to play in college or if they are one of the few who move on from there.
Originally posted by Fungo:
Should players mention to their coach which position they want to play or should they just wait and see where the coach puts them?

It would be really nice to get to do whatever we want in life, but it doesn't happen that way so adjustments need to be made sometimes to reach your goal.

Since this is the HSBBW, trying to make your HS JV or varsity team and then finding your way onto a college team I'll approach it that way.

Been a long time since son was in HS but if I remember as stated, for tryouts you are asked to take the field as to which positions you would like to try out for and given the opportunity to do so. Can you just see 8 players at the ss position?

The goal should and always be to forget about which position YOU want to play (because your folks spend years on you trying to become the best you can be at ONE position and because you LIKE that position), but just to find a way to get on the team and that includes being able to HIT the ball. An infielder is an infielder and an outfielder is an outfielder the way I look at it, being able to play more than one position will make you a winner. I see it all the time, this weekend I saw a catcher become a closer, a catcher play at fisrt, third and a ss strictly become the DH. I just read where a milb team turned a catcher into a pitcher.

Coaches on every level want to win and many coaches also also take pride in helping their players improve their position, and sometimes even help them to just become all around better players at the game and better athletes. You and your player need to understand that this is the way it is, this is the way it's going to be during HS and possibly after HS. The coach, whether you or your son like him or not, makes that decision and sometimes the player has to be able to change positions within the team from year to year. Sounds crazy but this IS the way it is. The way I see it, if a coach asks you to play another position, that means he has faith in you and knows that you can make the adjustment and I have seen the better players in the game do just that. It in no way may mean that person playing that position is better than you as a player. It may mean that player, rather than cut, can't ADJUST as well as you.

I think that most parents of college players or beyond that post here (except for possibly pitchers) will tell you that most likely their son is playing a completely different position now than they did in HS or college. Some of them didn't get recruited or drafted because they played that position at 100% accuracy or to perfection, but they proved themselves to be athletic baseball players and versatile and willing to learn and ADJUST. If you can't adjust, a player will find themselves sitting more than playing and that's what it is all about, isn't it?

My son is a pitcher, but if someone came to him today and told him he needed to become a catcher (a position he played when younger but found it the least appealing) he would do it in a heartbeat just to remain in the game.
I agree with just about everything TPM says. If you and/or your son have a coach whose opinion you respect, you ought to reach out to them and ask your opinion. As you will see the world wide web provides you with a wide world of opinions. I am willing to bet there is somebody in your area whose opinion you truly respect. In my opinion, your son should speak with this person and see what he thinks. However, someone similar to TPM's son is likely to move the furthest because he will do what it takes, "to remain in the game." And yes, I truly agree with TPM. In fact, I will say it again, I agree with TPM.
Interesting question. My son's school tryouts start next week so hopefully, IF he's asked, his response would be something along the lines of "Well coach, I have experience playing _____, ______, _________ and _______ but I'm more than happy to play wherever you feel the team needs me the most." I'm pretty sure he's smart enough to realize his position may change throughout the course of the season.
I think it is fine to let the coach know on the front end where you want to play. I have found that most assistant coaches seem to listen better in many of these matters. They might even plead your case for you.

Why was I up so early??? I have my days and nights all mixed up. Son left for spring training Friday morning and my trip to the airport started at 2:30 AM. With naps and sleeping late this weekend my body's clock lost track of time. The nice thing about it ---- the fridge and the HSBBW are always open Smile.

Thanks for asking about our field CoachB25. Progress seems to be taking place. The actual field is OK. One thing about players ---- they will find a way to play the game. Smile

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