I was able to speak with Coach Czar yesterday at Peoria. Great discussion as always. Coach, the stuff from Western Kentucky is great. We do something similar but that guy's system in a lot better. Also, I loved the presentation by the coach from Wisconsin. His presentation on "Baseball Myths" was TOP NOTCH! Also, I loved his example of how to teach the proper pitching motion with dowel rods. You can bet when we play this spring, my pitchers will be looking like fruit cakes on the side doing those dowel rod drills. BTW, I'm going to call Coach Haake and ask if we can play both you and Coach Ganser. It is our year to rotate away from playing your team. I don't think either one of us want that. Besides, you beat us so badly last year that I'd love to give you a chance to do it again. It was a lot of fun watching those balls leave the yard! Take care!
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