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Showball is almost a poor man's Headfirst if I recall. Just make sure their are schools at the event that fit your son's profile. You will find a greater percentage of assistant coaches from schools at Showball and more Head Coaches of schools at Headfirst.

However, you will get exposure and the same premise of two scrimmage games and pitchers will get two appearances over two games.

If you have to make a choice, I would go with Headfirst but make sure the schools listed work in your son's academic range. If you have the resources to do both, it can be worth it.


Son had really good experiences with Showball showcases. Went to December Mega Camps during his sophomore and junior years. Probably the showcase which put him "on the map." Showball really runs showcases well and on-time. Each one had about 220-230 prospects. Saw some different colors of the rainbow in shirts for the different teams. First year there were 75 coaches and second year 100 coaches. Went to HF summer before junior year summer before junior year.  (I know there have been Showball Academic in Long Island around time HF are there). As was mentioned previously go to the showcases which have the greatest number of schools which interest you and have reached out to you.

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