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Anyone have any thoughts on this showcase? (I have searched and read the available posts on HSbaseballweb but there are very few and the opinions vary greatly.)

I rec'd a call from this organization saying that my son was recommended by one of the 12 coaches that will be present ..... I can't tell if this is a marketing technique or if there was truly a referal.

Any thoughts or PM's would be appreciated.
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I received the same phone call right after the Arizona Fall Classic. I did not attend the showcase due to the conflicting dates for basketball.

However, i had a good friend of mine attend it. It was in Chavez Ravine, at dodger stadium. He said it was great to play there, and the scouts were great, he said it was worth it.

My coach, however, said that for that price it is a bit much for those few scouts.
My son received the same line-- that he was recommended by one of 12 coaches that will be present. I would suggest going to their website and reading the fine print. It appeared to me that anyone could register...and for nearly $700?
It seems like they may pay certain colleges to be present somewhere within the many sites that the actual event takes place. Hit or miss if you ask me.
My son attended their last event at Dodger Stadium and my youngest is signed up for their At&t Park event. I can only say that my son had a wonderful experience. It was well organized and well run. To answer a couple of your questions, all schools were there as advertised. For my son, the most important thing was to make sure that the coaches had a chance to watch him play. Since the event took place at 1 field, he had a fair shake. Pricey at $650? Remember, your son is going to play on a major league baseball field with schools watching him. I think you have to do what is best for you and your son, but i believe showball is a class organization which i would recommend to anyone. Go Giants!
Originally posted by baseball fan 09:
Anyone have any thoughts on this showcase? (I have searched and read the available posts on HSbaseballweb but there are very few and the opinions vary greatly.)

I rec'd a call from this organization saying that my son was recommended by one of the 12 coaches that will be present ..... I can't tell if this is a marketing technique or if there was truly a referal.

I thought about this question last night and have an answer. When we first received our invitation to the Dodger Stadium event, we were told the same thing. Is it true? I don't know. Quite frankly, I don't care. As i stated before, I don't care how or why my son was invited. However, I am grateful that they got his name and did invite him. If your son is a good ball player and he attends any event where coaches will be watching him play, he has an incredible opportunity to earn a scholarship. Playing at Dodger Stadium for him is something he will always remember. We should all be so lucky!

Any thoughts or PM's would be appreciated.
I rec'd a call from this organization saying that my son was recommended by one of the 12 coaches that will be present ..... I can't tell if this is a marketing technique or if there was truly a referal.

I just now got the same call. One of the colleges listed has shown some interest, but who knows. I've read what I can find on HSBBW, and everything is pretty old. Does anyone have any feedback on how this event went last year?
My son went to the ATT Park showcase last summer.

It was operated well enough, and the college programs that it said were going to be there were indeed there. But .....

In my opinion, the coaches that attended were not really there to recruit. In most cases they were the volunteer coach or the second assistant. I left with the impression that the colleges did indeed get a stipend to show up (nothing particularly wrong with that) but that they used it as a way to spiff the volunteer coach rather than a serious recruiting event.
My son has now been to 3 events (dodger stadium 07, at&t park 08" and dodger stadium 08). I really can not think of a better event. In response to Rob's comment about the coaches and volunteers, my son was at At&t park and of the 12 coaches there, only 3 were volunteers. I've been to a lot of other camps and the majority of the coaches there are volunteers. with 9 of the 12 coaches being there top assistants, i'd say that's pretty good. Anyhow, my son was recruited by the nevada wolfpack as a result of that event and recently committed to them. It's always been his dream to play Division I baseball and until then, only DII's had showed interest. If it weren't for that event, he would not be playing Division I. Everybody has an opinion and that is to be respected. I can only tell you from my experience how worth going it actually is. Good luck!
Im curious about this Showball Showcase also as we received an "invitation". I would suspect if these D-1 schools are actually there, its a good thing.

Ive noticed at a recent very well known showcase at a very well known location, I didnt see as many recruiters as one may be lead to believe. In fact, the number was less than Showball says they have.

Just saying.
My son hasn't attended a Showball showcase. The reason is that for a similar amount of money, he could attend the Stanford Camp where 40 schools are represented, none being volunteer coaches, or the USC camp where a similar aomunt of mostly Califronia D1 coaches are present, or the Headfirst Showcase where 30-40 schools are represented. So to us in California, I just don't see the Showball stuff as having as much bang for the buck.
Kind of funny that you mentioned the USC and Stanford Camp Blprkfrnks. My son attended both of these this year. Overall I thought the USC Camp was alright - but a big dissapointement with the coaches. They advertised 30 colleges but there were only 11 that attended (I counted)! You never can tell! True, the Stanford Camp has close to 35 schools but most of these are small East Coast Colleges. Plus they have 500 kids at the camp and on 8 different fields. So for the similar amount my thought is Showball may be a better value because they have way less kids and 16 regional schools. Good Coach to Player ratio. The MLB Stadium is a nice addition. I'll post back and let you know how it goes.

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