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My son is a '09 RHP currently playing his first year of Varsity. His time on the mound has been limited (2 starts), but results have been good (2-0, 1.40 ERA). His hopes/dreams are to play college ball.

He'll be pitching for a top Summer ball program after HS season is over.

My questions concern his possible participation in Showcases this Summer (he has one invite pending).

Based on this limited history, what thoughts/recommendations do you have regarding:

1. Importance of participation in Showcases after Soph year

2. Is it worth it to do just one Showcase? (may be all he could do in terms of time and resources in any event)

3. Assuming Showcase participation recommended,and given not unlimited resources, which Showcases are recommended for this level?

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Just being on varsity doesn't tell us much. That's quite an accomplishment at some schools and means almost nothing at others.

Since we are talking about showcases how old is he and how hard does he throw? Although they'll take movement and secondary pitches into account the main thing they'll be looking for in a pitcher at a showcase is velocity and projectability.

If he's a 15yo '09 throwing low to mid 80s and capable of hitting a bit higher max then get him to a showcase or two by all means, they'll notice him and it will set him up for more attention the next off season.

If he's a 5'9" 16yo '09 maxing out at about 80 or so, then perhaps a college camp or two because he isn't going to get a lot of attention and he just needs the experience in case he blooms over the next year or two.

I've kind of put a couple cases out near but not at the extremes, obviously if he's throwing high 80s as a sophmore you can do anything you want and if he's throwing low 70s as a sophmore (pretty unlikely for a successful varsity pitcher) then showcases aren't going to help.

My guess is he's closer to the first case I mentioned but please give us a better idea where he is at talent wise and some of the people with more experience with this such as TR can give you more guidance.
Thanks for the reply CADad - very helpful.

Here's a little more info on my son:

He's a young '09 - turns 16 in July. He's 6'2", but weighs only 145 llbs. We haven't had him on a gun this year, but my best guess is his fastball is low to mid 80s (conservatively low 80s), with a plus change up and a plus, but somewhat inconsistent breaking balls (curve and knucle curve).

His time on hill is limited because he's behind two projected D1 pitchers. Given this, is it best to wait until next Summer after completing a full pitching schedule at the Varsity level?
[quote]If he's a 15yo '09 throwing low to mid 80s and capable of hitting a bit higher max then get him to a showcase or two by all means, they'll notice him and it will set him up for more attention the next off season.

CADad, you don't think those standards are a little over-done? I think if you're topping out in the low-mid 80's as a sophmore you would get a lot of attention. Maybe I am just schewed in my thoughts as I am a lefty pitcher and thusly the standards MPH-wise seem to be somewhat lower, but still, I think it merits discussion.
Thanks Texan.

One follow up question - let's say we get him on the gun before the Summer and find out his velocity is lower than anticipated (or otherwise feel his level of performance is "down" for whatever reason). Is there a downside to going to a showcase with less than peak performance? My feeling is it would best to get the info and the experience will be a benefit down the road - is there a school of thought that it's best to wait until one knows the performance will be at a top level and worthy of notice?

Thanks much for all the input so far, very helpful.
If he is injured or sick, and obviously not able to perform as normal, do not go.

If it is just a matter of his velocity isn't quite as high as you thought it might be, go.

Going to a PG event, he will have the opportunity to see where he is relative to some of the best. That is always helpful. And the experience of having gone through the showcase will be helpful down the road.
He's tall and probably still quite projectable given how skinny he is. I'd think he'd get noticed some if he's throwing low to mid 80s or even low 80s. There's probably somewhere nearby you can go to borrow a gun long enough to see how hard he's throwing. Most batting cages have a gun to calibrate the machines. I don't think there's a downside to going to a showcase this summer other than possibly cost. The real decisions will be made when he shows what he can do during and after his junior season. PG's NorCal underclass showcase is scheduled for Oct. 6,7 in Vacaville.

If a pitcher is topping out in the mid 80s then they are throwing low to mid 80s in my book.
Last edited by CADad

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