I feel so strongly about this that I'm going to write a parent-side review of the new DVD release from Rick Stephenson (member RickStep), "SHOWCASE".
Without an ounce of hesitation I want to tell everyone who has a middle-school or high-school ballplayer, you absolutely HAVE to get this DVD. I just got my copy today and was expecting a basal coverage of Showcase workings; enjoyable but nothing earth-shattering....
Well, I just crawled up from a big chasm in my shattered earth! The information contained in this program is deep. They don't just tell you what goes on, they show the player HOW to perform, exactly (in minute detail) what all those guys with the clipboards are looking for, and perhaps most valuable is the section on how to go into a showcase MENTALLY prepared, and how your body language on the field, even in the dugout, speaks volumes to a recruiter/scout. And parents, be warned. If you know your kid is 'God's Gift' to the game and are going to that showcase planning to get up in everyone's grill so they take special notice of your child -- they've got news for you. I loved it!!
Again, this program literally SPELLS it out for you. Why anyone wouldn't pay the $25 for this in advance of paying $300-$500 for a showcase is beyond me. My son's out of the house right now, but can't wait to sit and watch this with him. As a 15 year old with two so-so showcase performances under his belt, this program has given us a roadmap of exactly where to improve for the next go-round. Can't wait!
Happy Showcasing 2006,
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