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I feel so strongly about this that I'm going to write a parent-side review of the new DVD release from Rick Stephenson (member RickStep), "SHOWCASE".

Without an ounce of hesitation I want to tell everyone who has a middle-school or high-school ballplayer, you absolutely HAVE to get this DVD. I just got my copy today and was expecting a basal coverage of Showcase workings; enjoyable but nothing earth-shattering....

Well, I just crawled up from a big chasm in my shattered earth! The information contained in this program is deep. They don't just tell you what goes on, they show the player HOW to perform, exactly (in minute detail) what all those guys with the clipboards are looking for, and perhaps most valuable is the section on how to go into a showcase MENTALLY prepared, and how your body language on the field, even in the dugout, speaks volumes to a recruiter/scout. And parents, be warned. If you know your kid is 'God's Gift' to the game and are going to that showcase planning to get up in everyone's grill so they take special notice of your child -- they've got news for you. I loved it!!
Again, this program literally SPELLS it out for you. Why anyone wouldn't pay the $25 for this in advance of paying $300-$500 for a showcase is beyond me. My son's out of the house right now, but can't wait to sit and watch this with him. As a 15 year old with two so-so showcase performances under his belt, this program has given us a roadmap of exactly where to improve for the next go-round. Can't wait!

Happy Showcasing 2006,
"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Glad you liked that movie. When Rick asked me to say a few things that might help people understand the whole showcase process, I was scared. There is much I’d like to have said, but most of it would have been pretty controversial. I was afraid of the backlash and actually told him to take some stuff out that pertained to scouts and college coaches.

The things left in were even controversial, as you might have noticed. However, some of it could really help parents and players better understand what takes place. Other than my stuff, I think Rick hit a homerun with this production. I’m biased, but I agree with you, this is absolute must viewing for those who attend showcase type events or are considering attending. Players and parents will learn a lot of very important things.

Most of the movie involves our events and our thinking, but it doesn’t matter if it’s our event or someone else’s, the information in “Showcase” will be extremely helpful.

Rick Stephenson is extremely talented, as everyone who watches this movie will understand. He is also the producer of baseballwebtv, I hope everyone follows what will take place there. In fact, there is a short trailer of Showcase on baseballwebtv among some of the free viewing options.
no new information that is ground breaking

BBtoday, I think it has to do with who is viewing it. Perhaps for you, a very experienced baseball person, the info will be perceived differently than by someone like me who lives abroad and isn't able to get into the loop of all that goes on back home with youth ball. I do think it offers a wealth of info for the uninitiated player and parent; its intended audience.
Last edited by Krakatoa

I have personal knowledge of just how much work and expense went into making this movie. We actually run more showcases than anyone in baseball and I can honestly say that I learned a few things. You must be extremely advanced!

The title is “Showcase” … If you purchased it, what were you expecting that might be missing? It’s a very long and comprehensive piece about “Showcases”. The filming was done at many locations around the country. Didn’t you pick up even a little info from Chris Lubanski’s dad?

Anyway, everyone is welcome to their own opinion. I would ask for a refund if I were you. The thing that shocks me the most, is your added comment… “And it’s over priced”

Just how much should something like this cost? $25 seems very reasonable to me. The people interviewed for their opinions regarding showcases included a Major League Scouting Director, a top 25 College Recruiter, a father of a 1st round pick, a former Major League Manager, a former Major League pitcher, a Major League all star, top travel coaches, baseball writers, Perfect Game scouts, and many others including yours truly. The footage included several of the nation’s top prospects performing at Showcases.

The only reason I could figure someone would think the movie wasn’t worthwhile and educational would be because of “yours truly”! Without my involvement, the movie would be worth twice that price!

Thanks for the retraction. We’ve been getting rave notices on the movie “Showcase”. Sorry, you were disappointed in the movie “Prospect”, we have had rave notices on that movie as well.

Prospect is more interview based, with little action and lots of great baseball people talking about how they got there and what they feel is important, moving up levels, etc.

Showcase has much more action and combines the action with interviews of some very high level baseball people. I think if you see it, you will like it. I had never considered a money back offer (mainly because that’s the very first time I’ve heard someone say it’s not worth the price…out of many thousands of orders, many of them from people with very recognizable names). But everyone has the right to judge as they wish and I certainly don’t want to charge anyone for something that they feel didn’t help. I will definitely refund anyone who doesn’t think “Showcase” or “Prospect” is worth the price.

I also have an email in my mailbox from the parent of a first rounder that I will try to find and post to give an idea of what someone who has been all the way through the showcase process thinks about the movie.


By the way, what Jerry Ford says in this DVD is actually a good reason to see the movie! I went through the showcase circuit in HS and didn’t know a quarter of what all goes on behind the scenes. It was a really a joy to make and see and be able to show the whole process.
I just received my copy of the movie and I wanted to say what an EXCELLENT job was done making this. Very informative, and definately worth every penny. I already had a pretty good idea of what goes on at these (even though I haven't been to one yet), but having my son see and hear these things from someone other than me was great.

I feel like we are much better prepared for when we go to our first showcase.
Here's the email I recieved from a parent of a first rounder...


Got the DVD of SHOWCASE, and the boys and I have watched it three times already today! What can we say? Insightful, clearcut, super informative, candid when needed, very exciting, no sugar coating...and offering something for everybody, from showcase newcomers to "veterans" like the *********!!! I'll tell you something Rick...and I mean this with all of my heart...every pre-high school or high school player who has any aspiration of playing the game at a higher level MUST have PROSPECT and SHOWCASE!!! They are the baseball equivalent of preparing for the SAT's!!! Speaking from experience, SHOWCASE will provide kids with the real knowledge they need...SHOWCASE offers a vision, a roadmap, for kids to get out there, to get seen by the best folks in all of baseball, and to get the opportunity to "show their stuff".

PROSPECT and SHOWCASE can truly facilitate the entire process for parents and players...families need to educate themselves on how to navigate the recruiting maze, and I can think of no better tool to help in that regard than your two tremendous works. With all the potential challenges and pitfalls that can develop throughout the recruiting and/or draft process, families can easily become overwhelmed or misdirected...PROSPECT and SHOWCASE can go long way to help minimize many of the hurdles that may arise. Now, with my 15 year old son **** beginning the showcase circuit, I EVEN LEARNED SOME NEW THINGS TOO!!!

Of course, you can have no better, no more credible and respected resource in this documentary than Mr. Jerry Ford. As we've told you before Rick, no other person (other than Betsy and I) was probably more instrumental in helping ***** get to where he is today than Jerry. Jerry is the one voice that we relied upon time and time again publicly, and privately, to steer us in the right direction, and he was never wrong, not once! Now, through SHOWCASE, so many more thousands of players can listen and learn directly from "the best there is", Jerry Ford. Watching this documentary was a walk back in time for our family, very personal and very fulfilling for each of us.

I think the insight that Jerry and others provided on what scouts and recruiters really look for in a player was simply awesome. Every parent (even myself at times I have to admit!) gets way too caught up in RESULTS, and doesn't give the baseball experts enough credit for the job they do. Jerry's words take "the mystery" out of it all by reminding us that talent evaluators focus on tools, makeup, instincts, and projection, not the results of a single BP session or one 60 yard time. Jerry told us time and time again, "you'll stink up the place every now and then", don't sweat it! Words to live by, believe me!!! We also really enjoyed the "Top Ten" list in Part Two of the film...the points regarding parents were right on target, a "direct hit"!!!

"Prospect" was great and "Showcase" is even better. My copy just came today.

I was thinking about taking my son to the 15U showcase next year just after he turns 14. But I'm worried he'll be too young.

This DVD taught me that as long as we go into the showcase with realistic expectations and goals, we can use is as a building block as he enters and goes through High School.

See you in Cedar Rapids next spring!
I received my Showcase video and have gone through it three times. It's on its way to my son's trainer so that he can listen to Jerry Ford speak on how to run the 60-yard dash. The story of Chris Lubanski is motivating and I suggest every dad or mom watch this and see how achievement is accomplished, through one family's commitment and sacrifice and the player's hard work. If you are serious about baseball and have kids with the passion, this is mandatory viewing and a resource to return to. Great work.
Last edited by Baseballdad1228

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