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Hi, I am a sophmore who starts for a school in New Haven, Ct. Hopkins School. I am the starting catcher, a strong catcher and good hitter... i am looking forward to play for a D1 school but i dont know what to do to get my name out there. Does anyone know of any serious showcases in the north east or any other ways to get my name out to some D1 schools? Or, is it too early and should i just play my heart out on the feild and hope someone notices me?
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The best thing to do is to first determine how you want baseball to fit into your college plans. I have two kids with differing philosophies, the first found a school where he could play ball the other is going to school and if baseball works into the equation that is good also.

Select a few schools that "fit" you, send inroductory letters to coaches. Attend their camps in order to get a feel and to get to know the staff. Showcase's are not always the best route and some of the money spent could go toward tutution. A little self-marketing is more efeective. If you are D-1 prospect you will be found.


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