This is a very difficult time. You read that grades matter, don't believe that any more. Mechanics count, don't believe that either. It all boils down to who your summer coach likes and who the parents know. If your not the coaches pet or a connected parent, you better throw 90 every pitch, hit noting but home runs and run a 6.3.
bagsbaseball, Don't lose confidence in your son and the formula for getting noticed.
One thing stands out in your post
My son just did his first showcase (06RHP). It was an all state top 100 Bags, You can't plant one kernel of corn and expect a corn field. Keep up the work and good things will happen. Besides, getting all five batters out may be meaningless to college coaches if those five batters aren't college prospects.
Contact Perfect game and see about getting your son in a better showcase in the near future.
Best of Luck,