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CADad is correct some kids will want to continue to be seen playing against top level competition because they are draft type players. Others will continue to play because they just love to play and they are part of a team and dont want to leave the other guys behind. If every kid that commits stops playing what happens to the ones that have not verballed yet? I always thought #1 play because you love to play. #2 play to get the exposure to as many schools as possible to hopefully have as many options as possible. #3 be there for your team mates and help them realize their dreams as well.

If were talking showcase events where a team is not playing but your just doing a pro style work out I can see taking a pass on those. But if your part of a team I say see it out through the end of the season at least.

I can tell you that I have always got pretty upset with kids who commit from a team and then say "I need a break." or "I verballed so I don't see the need to continue to play." You have a responsibility to those that have not verballed. Do you love the game? Is the only reason your playing is to verbal? How would you feel if everyone that verballed decided to not show up and you didnt have enough guys left on the team to show your stuff as well or simply play?

Thunder if your talking about simply attending showcase events and not talking about a team I would say there is no need to attend them. Unless you are a kid who is getting draft interest and you want to showcase for those reasons.
Absolutely, you continue to play for a couple reasons.

1) Verbals are committments but not binding yet. "Stuff happens", and you need to continue to get exposure. Honor the verbal, but continue to go to showcases to further develop your skills and exposure to college and pro scouts.

2) Help your team mates get their verbals too. Just as Coach May pointed out, it is very upsetting to see kids/parents drop the team after they "get theirs". It is just flat out WRONG, and I've seen it happen up close. I think it says alot about your character and upbringing if you continue with the team until the season is over despite having an offer.

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