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Why are all the showcases so exoensive and how can you guys afford to keep on going to them. I thought maybe if you go to one and get noticed you get free invites to other showcases. I am only 15 don't have much money should i hold off on going to them till i'm 16 or 17.

Thanks for your input.
Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for life.
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The first thing to remember... putting on a showcase is not cheap. The people that run showcases not only have the expense of the showcase but these people have car notes, house notes, and cell phone bills. This is their job and they work at providing a service and we consumers have to pay for that service. This is life as you will soon learn.
Showcases are designed to put you in front of coaches and scouts that evaluate your talent and decide if they want you for their team. The financial burden you feel and the benefits you reap depend entirely on you and your particular situation. You need to have an idea where you can play BEFORE you showcase. You also need to know how much you can budget toward a showcase(s). Armed with that information you can target certain showcases that will target those areas and those colleges that would satisfy your needs. Pitching101, you want to know if you should wait. Like BigWI said, I would wait until I made varsity. This will help you evaluate your own talent and help you decide where you can play.
There are alternative methods to exposure that you need to be aware of. Check out the HSBBW main website and go to “recruiting”. This will help you, help yourself.
Good Luck,
Not to disagree but...

We never ask if someone is a varsity player (maybe we should) but we have many underclassmen events with kids too young to all be varsity players. Not due to ability, but due to grade and age and the high school they attend.

We also see young kids playing in our tournaments that have more than enough ability to start on most any high school in the country, but they don't yet. We do ask many other questions that we feel are more important.

We have seen lots of varsity players who aren't very good and we have seen non varsity players who later turned out to be top college recruits and high draft picks.

The major purpose for these underclass events is to start a file (history) on the player. It's amazing how important that has turned out to be in many cases. If anyone really wants to know, I will explain that importance very clearly. Just don't have time right now.

Two years ago we even saw a high school senior who wasn't on his high school varsity. He ended up with a scholarship to a ACC school and started every game there as freshman. I think he was their best player!

Being a varsity player only means you are a varsity player. It doesn't mean you should spend money showcasing. We had guys like Chris Lubanski, Lastings Milledge, Jeff Clement, Ryan Sweeney, etc. long before they played high school varsity. These guys had much more talent at that time than most varsity players.

Delmon Young and Justin Upton were 13 when we first saw them. Delmon I believe was even invited to the Area Codes at age 13. Was it necessary? Who knows! But both Delmon and Justin ended up being the first player picked in their draft year.

I doubt if anyone asked 13 year old Delmon if he was on the high school varsity as he was showing up the best 17/18 year olds in the United States.

Bottom line, if you have enough talent, you're good enough to show it. If you don't have the talent, there will never be a "right" time.

Not meant to disagree with those who think differently. Everyone has their own reasons and opinions. Everyone doesn't always share those same opinions. We like to find the best players at a young age and follow them like a hawk.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Not meant to disagree with those who think differently. Everyone has their own reasons and opinions. Everyone doesn't always share those same opinions. We like to find the best players at a young age and follow them like a hawk.

Or maybe they find you?

The best results we got was my kid knocking the socks off a few MLB scouts.Nuff said!!
I agree with several posts; being on the varsity is nice, but playing time is more important. My son could be on the varsity this coming year, but I'm advising him to take a JV job where he is guaranteed a start once a week,

As for when to attend a showcase; go to one your sophomore year to see what it's like, then plan on what you can attend the following years.
Showcases are expensive, but worth the money. We had to use plastic. Stumbled on to showcases when our son was a junior. Our son only went to two showcases and did go to area code games. He was first noticed at showcases before area codes. We are from a small town in Arkansas. July 1st just some of the schools that called: Ariz. State, Stanford, Clemson, Okla State, Tenn, Miss. State, Tulane, Baylor. Our son was in college world series this year and just finished his 1st year of pro ball. Yes showcases are expensive, but worth it. Research on this site and ask questions about showcases. Perfect Game does care about the kids, Tom Rizzi's College Select and Team One are well run events. Good Luck To Everyone and God Bless. Proud DAD
Last edited by shortstop

Thank you for reminding me of Delmon at age 13.

Now, I recall the tryout at the College of Canyons in Valencia. The scouts recommended Delmon for this tryout. I knew Larry Young, the father from our days with Dimitri.

At the end of the tryout, Delmon impressed the committee of pro scouts and they suggested that Delmon be placed on the AC Team for the games. Larry, Delmon and I had a conversation and we all agreed it would be a "positive" situation. During the games, I visited the dugout of Delmon's team and looked at Delmon's face. There was no fear"in his eyes. He belonged on this field batting against Josh Beckett.

There are many other Dimitri and Delmon stories involving the Australia trip and the Goodwill Series with the National teams of Japan.

Please help me to find a Delmon or Dimitri for our journey June 7 to Japan. Someone with "no fear" in their eyes.

Bob Williams
What is the average cost of attending a showcase? PGStaff, what is the cost of attending an 'entry level' PG showcase?

Also, since this is my first post, I should say Hello! I am a longtime reader, first time poster. You can read my bio/info page to learn more about me. Or just ask!

Fungo: Josh and I were at Auburn at roughly the same time...I'm a little older but was in grad school there after undergrad. War Eagle!
Last edited by Estone28

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