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I recently received an email from Coach Blair at Sam Houston State about their Winter Evaluation Camp. All the coaching staff will be on hand and working with the kids there. He mentioned "it would give you an opportunity to work with our coaching staff and get
a chance to meet other players that you will be playing with next year." This intrigued me. I would enjoy to get to know the players I'm going to be spending every day with next year. I was wondering if any players that have signed to SHSU that are reading this are planning on going. I believe it is on Dec. 9th.
Any feedback on who is or isn't going or just on the camp itself would be helpful.

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I attended this camp today. Let me just say that it was a blast! The entire coaching staff is awesome. There were Bearkats players there to assist in instruction/evaluation. It was a very fast paced, organized camp.

1st half of the camp was evaluations, 2nd half was games.

I definately recommend going to this next year if you are a player looking for a good camp!

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