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As a die hard yankees fan I am disgusted at the recent signing of Roger Clemens. Still remember the "not-so-gloryful" days when names like Pagliarulo, Espinoza, Balboni, Velarde, Nokes, , stankewitz,roberto Kelly were household names for a yankees fan along with mattingly, henderson, winfield,
oneill...Who does Clemens think he is?? The first time, with Houston, maybe he missed the game. But is this going to be a yearly event, "where's the rocket going to land this year??" Nothing like throwing 28 million at a guy who won't throw until June...wasn't Zito a free agent?? you'd think they'd have learned with the Randy Johnson that age catches up. If Clemens really wanted to play, why wasn't he going through PFP in FEbruary and March?? heck he may have had a shot at 50 million then!! Cashman should be fird!! How much did we shell out for Pavano and his 5 wins over 3 years?? **** the way Cashman is he may call Rickey Henderson to leadoff if Damon doesn't get well!! Even Shilling on his website says this in reference to him going to NY.."Who the hell can blame the guy for taking what amounts to 20 some million bucks to pitch 4 months of the season. There isn’t a person reading this who wouldn’t kill for that opportunity.

Excuse me for venting but after all these years I'm ready to send my hats, t-shirts, and memorabilia to Steinbrenner himself.
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i didn't like him when he left the sox, i didn't like him when he signed with the yankees, i didn't like it when he fake retired and had to give the hummer back.he had a chance to go out like he came in with the sox. he doesn't need the money ,but he needs to clear the air in new my opinion anyway.
Originally posted by 20dad:
i didn't like him when he left the sox, i didn't like him when he signed with the yankees, i didn't like it when he fake retired and had to give the hummer back.he had a chance to go out like he came in with the sox. he doesn't need the money ,but he needs to clear the air in new my opinion anyway.

If memory serves me right, the Red Sox thought he was washed up and let him go to Toronto. He owes them nothing.
So, if the pro-rated contract assumptions are correct, and he's good for 15 games...he'll end up being paid arouns $1 mil a game. Win or lose. No matter what, say, Hughes might be able to do.


Now it all makes sense. Roll Eyes

Actually, though, he puts backsides in seats and given that he has his own personal ST until the All Star break and stays healthy, he would be of great use should the Yankees make it to the playoffs.
If the Yankees win 15 games with Clemens on the mound, it will be worth the money they spend on him because the Yankees will win their division. It really will not matter - the money he will generate will more than pay his salary. And no Hughes cannot fill in for Clemens and do just as good a job. BTW, I am no Yankees fan - just think Clemens's splitter is good enough to make him one of the best pitchers in baseball.
I'm not suggesting Hughes could do as good a job (that would be crazy talk), nor do I think that Clemens (or anyone) will go 15-0 (with that bullpen?). So what they're really considering is the net gain with Clemens, i.e. Clemens goes 10-5; Hughes (or any Joe Bloggs pitcher) goes 5-10 with that lineup. So now it's five games to the good and $3 mil a net win.

It's the obscenity of the money that causes a lot of the controversy. Wouldn't it be amazing if somebody being paid that kind of money, already set for generations (which pretty much means the Yankees or BoSox), would demand a really creative contract ---- a couple of mil plus something like free tickets for every schoolkid in a radius of 50 miles, a few youth baseball complexes where there are none, or maybe a reduction in ticket prices for the fans?

And, yes, every Dec. 24th I wait for a fat guy in a red suit.
Last edited by Orlando
Originally posted by Orlando:
It's the obscenity of the money that causes a lot of the controversy.

No it's not. It's the fact that it's the Yankees who paid the money. If he signed with anybody else, you wouldn't hear a fraction of the whining. Interestingly, I don't recall nearly the uproar when the Red Sox paid $53 million just to have the right to negotiate for Dice K.
I don't recall DiceK being discussed here (as yet), but he certainly has been on MLB fan sites I frequent. Heckerino, I also didn't bring up that (although Good Luck to him) I believe the Brewers overpaid for Suppan, what with this thread being entitled "Clemens" and all.

I guess I could go back and reread the thread, but what is it you interpreted as "whining"?

As the Yankees & BoSox are #1 & #2 in the spendolympics, they will get mentioned for the same practices. Much as I did later in the very paragraph you quoted from.
I understand that the money is out of control, but if winning 100 games were the goal... The Yankees are spending around 2 million dollars for each win the way it is. Kind of means if Clemens can get them some wins they wouldn't normally get, he could be considered a "bargain"? Then there's the playoffs! It's hard for me to think that big!
Actually, it is very reasonable to think that Clemens will start aroud 20 games if he is healthy. It is also reasonable to think the Yankees will win 14 or 15 of those games - perhaps Clemens will not actually get the win in all of those games, but if his ERA is anything like it was last year, the Yankees will win most of his starts.

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