First I want to thank those resposnible for this web site. I have been reading it for several months now and have found the information provided to be invaluable in helping me to help my son attain his goal of attending college and playing baseball while getting an education.
My son is a 6'1" 175 lb '08 RHP. He is one of the better players in our area, but I realize here in PA, that, that may not mean as much as it does in the southern states. So, in order to see what baseball is like in the South, he attended a top DI college camp last week. The camp was outstanding with quality facilities and instructors. The following is an experience he had. Can someone please tell me if it has any significance.
My son was scheduled as the starting pitcher for a game on his 3rd day of camp. At the start of the camp he was moved up to a higher age group and would therefore be facing '05,'06, and 07's. Just before the game started the head coach of the college team , who was running the camp, showed up behind home plate to watch. My son pitched the first 3 innings and did very well. No walks, a few strike outs no hits no runs. After he finished pitching, the coach called him over and told him he did a real nice job, and that he has a great curve ball. He asked how he holds the ball and how he throws it. He also asked where he is from and how many innings he pitched in HS. After that the coach left. The next day he saw my son and complimented him again on his curve ball and told him to keep working on it. He called him by name and remembered where he was from.
Ok, all of you experienced people, how would you take this? I like to think that the coach has some interest in my son, and maybe was told by one of his coaches to come to the game and watch him. I realize that because of my sons age that the coach can not talk to him about going to school there. But he can watch him and follow him for the next few years until he can talk to him.
SO, Am I just dreaming here? Is this just wishfull thinking on my part? Is this coach possibly interested in my son? Does this type of thing happen often? Should he go to their winter camp and future summer camps? I am new to all of this please help.
Even if it means nothing, it was a great experience and confidence booster for my son to be complimented by a Coach from a top DI program.
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