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Having spent a fair amount of time talking about the danger of steroids in youth ballplayers, I would hope my son would stay away from them.

Most of us, however, have seen kids bow to the pressure. A friend of mine's son had started steroids. The mom just happened to stumble across the stash by accident. I would never have thought that the kid would have dabbled in steroids. Yet to his parents' chagrin, there it was.

What are some of the signs of steroid use?

Any particular things to keep an eye on?

{And yes, I know some joker is going to post before & after pictures of Barry Bonds.}
"Show me a guy who won't pitch inside and I'll show you a loser" Sandy Koufax
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I would like to know how & where the kids are getting this stuff?
Is it just over the counter? If a prescription, then who's writting it? If bought over internet, are kids using the parents credit cards? Surely, someone would see charges on the monthly bill!
Are High School trainers/coaches selling it to the kids? If so, the School District/Board should void their contract & turn them in!
Well having a wife that has been on and off steriods the last 8 years or so to help treat flare-ups of her disease, the obvious signs are major bloating, particularly the facial area, dramatic increase in appetite as well as sleep disorder. When perscribed steroids, she starts at 5 mg and increases quickly to 40 mg within a couple of weeks and her body mass literally doubles during such period. When looking back at family pictures/videos, she appears to be two different people.

It is actually pretty hard to get a hold of nowadays. I read one study that said 90% of all internet (foreign) sales of anabolic steriods were countfeit. In 1989 the FDA made anabolic steriods a Class III drug. This put it in the same category as Oxycodone, Morphine, etc. Up until that point, anabolic steriods were completely legal. In fact, we used to joke about the disclaimer that came with every bottle regardless of make/brand, "There is no proof that anabolic steriods increase athletic performance." Talk to anyone who played college or pro ball in the 70's & 80's and they will share the same experience. Let me stress the fact, that prior to 1989 anabolic steriods were completely legal.

If you find some strange looking pills in your sons stuff, grab one and take it to the library. The PDR has pictures of all pills to compare to. Key search words: anabolic steriods, testosterone, male hormones.

They will never get steriods out of baseball/football/Olympics (the genie is out of the bottle). By changing the configuration of one molecule, you in effect make that drug undetectable. You have heard of the word "The Clear". That was an original by BALCO. How many BALCO's do you think are out there? They are closely guarded secrets for high-end customers only. These kind of drugs would never make it to your son's hands.
Sorry, I got the Flu and I am a little cranky. Take this approach because telling kids that they are gonna die if they take them won't work. It is not true and the kids will not believe you.

First, taking anabolic steriods can stunt your growth. -(that should be enough) In the early 1960's AS (particularlly Anavar) were given in small doses to children with growth problems. Testosterone actually inceases the activity at the growth plate. Where you get into to trouble is when you take too much (and you'll never know) it aromatizes into estrogen which seals off the epiphyseal plates. Once they are sealed....well, they are sealed.

Even the smallest amount (6mg. Winstrol/d)of AS usaged has shown to increase LDL & VLDL (the bad cholesterol), and decrease the HDL (good stuff). Again, the kids probably do not care about that. So share this:

A study done by the English Medical Journal "The Lancet" back in 1988 tracked 10 Olympic weightlifting athletes who admitted using testosterone (similar to AS) back in the 1960's, found that by 1988 all but two had chronic health problems. That is with the exception of three that were dead from cardiovascular desease. What is really interesting is two (thats 20%) had a strange form of MS that only affected the skeletal muscles. -thats some scary stuff.

Obviously, with 10 subjects it cannot be considered a valid study. The problem was finding athletes to admit usaged from the 60's. However, if that doesn't give you pause, what will.

Oh, and if you can handle this conversation with your child that "AS causes testicular atrophy", your probably have a good two-way communication set-up anyway and not to worry.
-(yep, don't mean to be rude, but the little guys shrink.)
A number of things here that I find interesting

01-- I have been on and off steroids numerous times in my life due to Arthritic Rhuematoid Gout. Thankfully they found a drug that has it all under control.

The last time which really surprised was a an 8 week period due to an infection after a lens implant in my eye-- a key sign that 'roids are in your system is drastic mood swings--- I had them while using the lesser 'roids not anabolic particularly during that one 8 week stretch

02-- talk to any weightlifting group in any gym and they can tell you when and where to get it and how to use it. In our region weightlifters have been all over the sport talk shows since the MLOB thing --seems like they are coming out of the wood work in an effort to protect themselves

03-- to me the emphasis should be at the HS and college levels--look at your college football and basketball players and their sizes--they just do not get big in the NFL--they get big in HS and even bigger in college- talk with any college athlete and I would wager they know where and when 'roids are available if they want them.

04-- as noted above by one poster when they eliminate the current 'roids there will be another one that will go undetected for a few years and then another one.

Funny thing about the 'meds' we put in our system-- we do not know all the side effects, if any, as we read about every day concerning certain drugs--I know doctors that dispenses Celebres and Vioxx like they were candy.It would be interesting if a panel of doctors would issue a "valid" report on the effects of steroids on both athletes and lay people like ourselves. Nobody seems to know what the "real" stiry is when it comes to final results and I am not too sure that the story may be different for each individual. Not to mention that the "roid" cremes give different results than injection of 'roids' Many 'roid forms are legal in medical use and again I do not think anyone has data on their rend effects.

Did I wory about my sons using 'roids in HS and College? YES !!!!!!!

Did they? To be honest I cannot tell you yes or no. Deep down I don't think they did but you never know for sure. They tell me no so I trust and believe them

Do I think pro baseball players use 'roids ? Yes --all athletes want to get an edge--are they the players being noted in the press ? Who knows? I don't think we will ever know for sure
I have been playing professional baseball for 10 years. Steriods are rampant, and this testing is not scaring anyone, I assure you. You all have not been watching real baseball the last 20 years. It is sad. I was just in Venezuela playing winter ball and I would say 75 percent of that league is using them. Many players you all know and admire. I beg the young players on this forum to stay away from steroids. The only way the game will be restored is if the next generation of players do it themselves. This generation have already ruined it. Mark my words, many of these guys are going to start developing health problems in the next 10 or 15 years. Our health is a million times more important than making it to the big leagues. Good luck to you all.
ALL- it is a dam shame only because the little johnny's are going to have no alternative but to look that way in order to compete in the competition, and the major league baseball should be doing ALOT more to stop this, with setting a example with a much more harsher punishment.that will be my final words on this post. thanks p.s. maybe the commissioner should set the example on his team frist!!!
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This really is an open loop discussion that will have to play itself out. At least with anabolic steriods your only looking at about 10-15% advantage. Granted that if you were hitting 350 you might be hitting 385 or 400. What is really scary is that gene therapy is just around the corner. That could possibly change sports forever. -(that is a future I hope I don't live to see)
Have Bud make Jose Canseco the steriod czar. after reading his book he seems to know way more about steriods than most MLB GMs and coaches.

real simple, test like they do in the minor leagues and give the same penalities as the minors. Public post everyone who fails the drug test and what drug they tested positive for.

Interesting poll today, 1/3 of the people would not vote for Barry Bonds for the hall of fame
Last edited by Dibble
Couple of things:

1 - My now 15-year-old son was given steroids as a two-week-old as an experimental treatment for the RSV virus. He was in pediatric ICU for a week and several times we were close to calling a priest. The steroids helped him heal. I realize this is not what we're talking about, but steroids have such a negative stigma, we sometimes forget that they can serve a very important purpose.

2 - In the late 70s, in my track and field days, I can tell you that steroids were plenty available. All you had to do was ask. I've heard all kinds of figures about how much of a percentage of what they can improve you. I asked, way back when, because I thought I could qualify for the NCAA Championships if they could help that much. The answer I got, from very informed sources, was that the best you could hope for is a 3-5 percent edge. I chose not to try them, mostly because I needed 10 percent, but partly because I didn't want to risk the side effects.

It seems to me that a potential 3-5 percent only matters at the very highest levels of performance anything. And to me, 3-5 percent with ANY risk is too much risk for me. If I'm only 95-97 percent of the man and father and baseball player and journalist I can be, I would think I did OK.

3 - Robin Williams has given one oif the most accurate descriptions of the side effects of steroids. Certainly the funniest. The only time I really spoke to my kids about steroids was after thei first time they saw that part of the DVD. As far as I can tell, so far, so good.
Hirrel13...based upon this discussion topic, your quote would fall into the category of "winning at all costs", never say die", "can't lose", "losing is not an option", etc, et all.

IMHO, after looking at the Atlas program, it brings to light just the small words that drive a teenager to drugs etc. I am not saying in all cases, but "failure IS an option is more true and easier to deal with for a young athlete.It IS real life and I see the light.

HotCorner...thanks for the site, it will be in the schools hands tomorrow. Also, I was at the CSF games this weekend...they should have won all 3 but for a pitching change in Gm 1...Tough spot for a Fr. Good looking team again.

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