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I'm almost giggling as I write this,..but my son asked me to ( I'll blame him! ha!)

We can only find large powdered Gatorade in lemon-lime flavor and orange flavor at our grocery stores here in Kansas. (we use the powder type in our household because it is so much more economical, considering the gallons of coolers we fill up! ha!)

Has anyone EVER seen the large cans in ANY other flavors? Our two flavors get a tad-weeee-bit mundane year, after year, after year. Does Powerade make a powdered form? Anyone know if it exists?

Just interested in what the other ladies across the US have seen or know of.

Guess I could write to the Gatorade and Powerade companies,..but ya'all are MUCH more fun!

Getting back to my life,..packing the car for yet another tournament,..ya gotta love it!
Let me know what ya know! THX!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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Check out the above link...looks like the powdered Gatorade comes in many flavors. In all honesty...I have never seen them in a grocery store around here, and didn't realize they existed! So, thanks for the heads up. Altho, I have to tell kids swear by the Gatorade protein drinks as the best! Smile

edit...I just checked out my link and see it takes you to the search function rather than the product page...just type in "powder" and it will take you there.
Last edited by luvbb
I have only seen the powder in the two flavors, but at a pregame dinner at a player's home we mixed it from a liquid concentrate. Can't remember if it was Gatorade or Powerade, but I remember it was red. I think one gallon of concentrate makes 5 gallons of drinks. She said she ordered it from Grainger. I'm sure they have a web site.
The most obvious idea,..sitting right there in front of me,..and I dont see it,.. I must be suffering from baseball mom " fuzzy brain " syndrome. ( AKA: Sitting through hours of major-sunny-too-hot, sizzle sizzle, tournament ball,..and looong road trips! )

Not complaining,...well ok,..maybe just a wittle, just dont like the sun-burned-to-a- crisp part! Now if someone could just help me find my stinkin' sunblock and remind me to bring my umbrella for shade! ha!

Tiger Paw Mom to the rescue!! She saw the obvious right away,...try mixing the two flavors,...thats a GREAT idea!!!

We mixed a biiig batch up this morning, I'll let ya know what the team thought about it! Maybe it will even bring us good luck,..( not doin' so well in our current tournament and were grasping for luck wherever we can!..poor kids!)

And,...I learned something new AGAIN, (thx luvbb )...have never heard of Gatorade Protein drinks,...gotta love the HSBBW,...this site is sooo valueable.

I'm a woman on a mission next week to hunt those protein drinks down! ha!
Thx to all for your help, son said he knew you'de have answers!

TPMom,...newbie here,..dont remember a post from NY with 4 boys,..who talked about speed,..etc., but with her 4 boys,..I can just imagine how many questions she must have had,..and how much she probably loved the much- needed female chat with other woman on this forum!

You gals ROCK!
I'm a newbie and have some answers to your questions. If you have Wal-Mart nearby, check out their Gatorade stock. Here in Cincinnati, many powdered flavors are available- fruit punch, glacier freeze, fierce grape, etc... Also, Powerade does make powder in a few flavors- mountain cooler (the blue one- not sure I have the name right), fruit punch and I think lemon-lime. I find that at Kroger (grocery chain).

Hope that helps! Smile

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