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He is being treated like a hero in NE by the fans so while I admire their loyalty I question their sportsmanship.

1st and 10 is now talking that this being the tip of the iceberg and other issues will pop up

1st round choice....big deal. They had two already next year (SF) and losing one of them will just allow more FA dollars.
If Bellichick is the only one cheating I will be suprised. I don't find it odd that the fans gave him a standing O, they cheer for Bonds in San Fran.

Stealing signs is part of the game. Wasn't Thompson given the pitch before he hit the homerun. You must anticipate that they are being stolen. Mangini is a big cry baby. No wonder Bellicheck hates him. It is just football. I don't understand what all the hoopla is about. Reminds me a little of the Bobby Knight situation. A guy who is not exactly friendly with the media, so the little men who couldn't play and make up the profession use their pens to take stabs at the guy.

As for OJ, I think that the evidence will show that he was hot on the trail of the killers, you know the ones he vowed to track down, and that one of the clues was in the pictures he tried to "recover." I wonder if the jurors in the murder case ever loss any sleep at night knowing that this idiot is still roaming the streets. Further, I bet that the Las Vegas tourism council loves the fact that he invoked their slogan "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" as a joke in his Armed Robbery case.
Deldad quote:
Stealing signs is part of the game.

The game is played between the lines and players that can pick up "in-game data" I actually doff my hat to. The Pats were warned weeks ago and even had been previously accused and still they snubbed there nose at the league. In my book that is being being pompous and arrogant, two traits that are low on my list. I think they should have taken both of their firsts this year and next years first. Money is there one day gone the next, the future is there to remember for a long time..
Last edited by rz1
I haven't been following this one too closely, but it seems that each team needs to up their Op-Sec (Operations Security) more. They should be aware that all communications can be compromised. With HD TV you can count the blades of grass on the field. I would say that everything not protected is up for grabs. Years ago, I remember they had directional microphones that could pick up conversations from afar. Winning professional sports is all about money. Who's to say it's not all on the up and up?

As far as intelligence gathering, this might not be too far removed from the more common methods of scouts in the rafters with their cameras and Polaroids/printouts of the defenses and offenses that get transmitted to the bench. (Remember, I don't know what actually transpired here, I think I heard that cameras were used to steal signs of plays sent to the QB.) I'm not a strong football fan anymore. I don't like the idea of the speakers in the QB helmet. To me, that was just a countermeasure to earlier sign stealing attempts. When you bring in electronics, you open up a new can of worms.

I don't think this will be the first circumstance, just the first time someone has been called on it. If rz1 is right about the warnings, then the Pats deserve what they get. I suppose they were trying to find the limits of intelligence gathering, had the limits defined, and then forged ahead anyway.

I'm not keen on all this 'cheating'. But, it is a business first. A mighty competitive business.
Belichick ordered Mangini not to take the Jets head coaching job since Belichick doesn't like the Jets. That's where this all started. Belichick hasn't talked to him since he did. They've been going at each other ever since.

I believe the fine is insignificant. The Patriots will reimburse Belichick after it's paid. I don't understand why Belichick wasn't suspeneded for several games. That would have been way to hit the Patriots immediately.
THERE'S A LOT OF HIGH HORSES HERE. Be careful when you get off.

Unwritten rules of sports are learn to steal signs, it makes you better, smarter and more prepared than the other guy.
Unwritten rule, never get caught.

In baseball we often look for tendancies of pitchers, players, which way fileders are moving and of course, what signs the mgr and base coaches are giving. From the dugout we would work on stealing them and turning the game to our advantage.
Doesn't always work.
Plays still had to be made by Pats, common folks just don't understand that the plays still have to be made.
This is a vendetta between two rivals and NO MORE.
Originally posted by infidel_08:
With HD TV you can count the blades of grass on the field.

You're absolutely right can be done and it has been done.

There are 165,888,676 blades of grass on an NFL field...give or take 10 or 15 blades. This includes the end zones, but not the turfed area outside of the sidelines or endlines...they ended the broadcast before I could get to those areas.
If you keep score - people are going to cheat.

If you involve money - people are going to cheat.

Further, I bet that the Las Vegas tourism council loves the fact that he invoked their slogan "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" as a joke in his Armed Robbery case.

I bet OJ tries to make money off of this somehow. He will be doing commercials one day for Las Vegas and this will be mentioned.

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