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I see a thread that is leaning towards the baseball only versus multiple sports debate. I believe we lost the ability to poll with the last upgrade. I'll tally the results after a few days. Keep it simple so I don't have to dig for the answer. Explanations are unneccesary.

Did your son/daughter play just varsity baseball/softball in high school or play multiple varsity sports?

Daughter - 3 sports

Son - 2

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

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Son 2015, baseball, basketball, and football (9th and 12th)

Son 2019, baseball, basketball and football thru 8th grade.  This year (freshman) football and baseball only.  Wanted to play basketball, too, but chose to devote more time to baseball to have a better shot in a very competitive baseball program.  Asked him last week if he was happy with that decision, and he said yes.

NYdad2017 posted:

Son - 1

He would have liked, not loved, to play basketball in HS, but didn't want to put in the 10 months a year that they demand.  Football would have been the same, with mandatory weeks in June, July and August.

We are fortunate that the HS football and baseball coaches don't mind my son playing both sports. Now, he will still have to give the football coach his summer schedule and will be expected to participate on his off days.  

Son 1 - 2 sports, baseball and Olympic weightlifting

He would have been 3 and added basketball but he had two concussions within 5 weeks playing hoops his Soph year and he decided to spend that time working out Jr year and got hooked on weightlifting.  He went back and forth in going back to hoops this year but decided against it (parents really wanted him to play his senior year).  

Son 2 - 8th grader who plays football, basketball and baseball.  We plan on keeping him in all three as long as he still enjoys them all.  

hshuler posted:
NYdad2017 posted:

Son - 1

He would have liked, not loved, to play basketball in HS, but didn't want to put in the 10 months a year that they demand.  Football would have been the same, with mandatory weeks in June, July and August.

We are fortunate that the HS football and baseball coaches don't mind my son playing both sports. Now, he will still have to give the football coach his summer schedule and will be expected to participate on his off days.  

You are. Son's HS football coach said that he would NOT allow him to play baseball in the summer if he played football. So son declined to play football, rather then skip the summer baseball. 

AA school, largest classification in the state, so basketball would demand more time then he was willing to give. I saw several year-round basketball only players get cut from that program. 

It was my hope that the coaches would be a little reasonable, but it didn't work out that way. 

He does get to play HS rec basketball so he gets his fix there. 

NYdad2017 posted:
hshuler posted:
NYdad2017 posted:

Son - 1

He would have liked, not loved, to play basketball in HS, but didn't want to put in the 10 months a year that they demand.  Football would have been the same, with mandatory weeks in June, July and August.

We are fortunate that the HS football and baseball coaches don't mind my son playing both sports. Now, he will still have to give the football coach his summer schedule and will be expected to participate on his off days.  

You are. Son's HS football coach said that he would NOT allow him to play baseball in the summer if he played football. So son declined to play football, rather then skip the summer baseball. 

AA school, largest classification in the state, so basketball would demand more time then he was willing to give. I saw several year-round basketball only players get cut from that program. 

It was my hope that the coaches would be a little reasonable, but it didn't work out that way. 

He does get to play HS rec basketball so he gets his fix there. 

Coaches and their's not like your son would be hanging out all summer. Coaches at the same school can't even work together. 

I was actually baseball only up until this year (junior year) when i decided to pick up football instead of playing fall baseball. I ended up starting at DT and will be a two-way lineman and possibly a captain next year. Up until this year, football players at my school were requested (not mandated, but could be used against them if they don't ever show) to lift year round with exception being given if they were playing another sport. However, this year you still have to lift if you play another sport, but he's flexible and will work to be in the weight room with you whenever you may need to be.

I care way more about baseball than football and I will play summer ball, but I'm playing on a small enough team that I'll still get enough exposure but won't be pressured with commitment barring me from summer football workouts.

dad43 posted:

2 sports but played 4 until High school.......just an FYI almost every college coach that talked to my son LOVED that he played multi sports...not one said "Boy I sure wish you would have just played baseball"

Posted the following on another thread yesterday - "I've had a few conversations with a well-known college coach who said that he personally prefers multi-sports athletes and called off the names of about seven current major leaguers that he coached  who played multiple sports. Now, that's not why my son plays multiple sports.  In fact, he knows nothing of that conversation. He is at the point where he can make his own decisions unless the reason behind it is a girl. LoL"


Frosh - Football, Basketball, Baseball (frosh team on all 3 but asked to stay w/ Varsity for playoff run)

Soph - Football, Basketball, Baseball (Soph team, but asked to remain for playoff run again)

Jr. - Baseball (gave up football and basketball to train year round for baseball.  depending on how season goes my play Basketball and Baseball next year)


2017 Son

Freshman Year - Football, Basketball, Baseball
Sophomore Year - Football, Church League Basketball (his hoops skills did not meet the school's needs as a coach so delicately put it), Football
Junior Year - Football, Church League Basketball, Football

Senior Year wants to add Bowling during the winter.  

He is at a high academic catholic school with many sports for boys (6 in Fall, 5 in Winter, 9 in Spring)  so coaches work together.  Son was at school at 6:00 am most winter days working out for football or baseball.  Also worked out with club baseball team over the winter as well.

Many boys his year play football and baseball so as a group they work scheduling out to balance the summer events of HS baseball (Illinois has this as well as spring), club baseball and football training.



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