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Catchr - I do not know anything about Skillshow, so I can not comment on them or the quality of their products.
I do know from experience that you can video tape your son yourself and save a lot of money. It is really easy to do it yourself and does not take a lot of time or editing. In fact, I found on a website instructions college coaches have given on what they are looking for in videos. These instructions include distances a person should be standing from the player as well as angles. College coaches don't really care about the quality of the video as they do what is on the video. In the end, the coaches I have talked to only watch the first 2 minutes of the video. They do not have time to watch the other 10 people send them.
E-mail me at and I'll be happy to provide you with the instructions I have.

I've seen a number of skills videos from both professionals and parents.

There's a reason someone invented the term "professional".

I once saw a skills video of "live" game action on a pitcher, and it was shot from ~ 75 yards away (the pitcher was about 1 " tall, and you couldn't see who it was...

Some services will have you submit your 30 tapes with a sheet of what you want included.

You need a video that demonstrates your mechanics/skills and is no more than 4 or 5 minutes long

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