Our league (as I would assume most others) has a 'slide or avoid' rule to protect the kids from injury (Pony 13/14).
I had a situation the other night with a play at home. Runner at 3rd was sent home on a batted ball, and the thow to home was a bit off target. The throw pulled the catcher down the 3rd base line about 5-10 ft.He was set to catch the throw at the same time my runner would be at the catchers position.It was just a bit to far for him to initiate an effective slide. If the 'slide or avoid' rule were not in effect, and he chose to do so, he could have run the catcher over and easily scored, as the ball arrived at the same time as the collision would have (if anything, the runner would have it a fraction before the ball).
He elected (wisely) to slide early between the catcher's legs. He came up about 2 feet short of home.
The result is inconsequential, as the catcher dropped the ball anyway, and the runner just scooted forward and touched home safely.
What should be the correct course of action for the runner to do here to (a) be safe (b) be legal, and (c) SCORE?
And, of course, what would be the possible rulings or outcomes?
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