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Son had arthro surgery to stitch up small tear in meniscus in Sept. 2006. He has been cleared to practice and start playing, but not allowed to slide until mid. March. Need some valued advice from those that have gone down this road. Dose anyone know why sliding is restricted? Should he be wearing some type of brace while practicing or playing? If, so any recommendations. Thanks.
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First off, to answer your questions, don't ask us...ask his doctor!

I had my ACL repaired a few years ago so I can offer you one more bit of advice. Now I'm no athlete when compared to my son and probably yours, but I did want to play softball and get back on the field with my own boys.

But I was scared that every time I ran, or cut or slid I would tear it again.

To get over your doctor, trust your physical therapist, do what they say and everything will be great.
I tore my miniscus years ago. I was in a cast for 6 months and 6 weeks after I got out, I tore it again playing golf.

From my experience, repairs are prone to re-injury. If they trimmed it, he should be fine pretty quick. I would assume sliding is restriced because of the extra strain on the joint. Like papi says, talk to the doctor.
Last edited by pfbear13

I would always recommend only listening to the medical people. However, something doesn't seem to make sense here, if I'm reading correctly.

Most injuries when sliding are caused by indecision. Usually decision to slide too late.

Perhaps the doctor is trying to take that decision away altogether for the time being, in order to play it safe.

However, if you are cleared to play, there can be baserunning situations that are nearly impossible to stand up. On those plays it can create tremendous strain trying to stop and stay while standing. You might want to ask the doctor about what you should do in those situations, where it might actually be safer and easier to slide. Sliding sometimes is used as nothing more than a way to stop where you want to.

IMO, It just doesn't make sense to clear someone to play, yet tell them they can't perform the necessary actions to play the game. Kind of a smaller version of telling someone they are cleared to play but they can't throw.

Is it possible your doctor might be a very good doctor without much knowledge of baseball? (it does happen) that some good doctors do not know much about baseball) Seems like he should be cleared to practice but not cleared to run the bases yet. Perhaps the doctor is simply saying he does not want you to "practice" sliding yet. That would make sense!

I've been involved in similiar situations many times. The thing that confuses me is how a doctor can clear someone to play but not allow them to fully play the game. I understand the practice part, but have never heard of a doctor clearing a player to play with orders not to slide.

I'm not doubting you in the least, just don't understand I guess. If I have a position player who has orders not to slide, he is not going to play until he is cleared completely. I'm not sure someone can play the game that way.

Sorry if I misunderstood. Best of luck to your son.

You bring up a good point. You are either cleared to play or not. My son a soph. is trying out for varsity. He mentioned that it is going to be hard to have to think about not sliding instead of just playing full speed. He has already mentioned to the coach he had surgery and the coach told him to try his best. Thanks for your replies to my question and I have ejoyed reading your posts on many other subject.
I would advocate working on the head first slide when cleared for competition. The head first slide would minimize trauma on knees. There are injury risks with all slides and some special concerns with the head first. He must protect hands/fingers by landing with palms-up/fingers in a fist; avoid too much elevation, stay low; dive parallel to ground so arms, chest and legs hit ground together. Head first not advocated for breakingup DP or sliding home when catcher is blocking plate.

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