I live in a small apartment in NJ. I do not have access to a backyard so I cannot do anything like soft toss or tee drills. Are there any hitting specific exercises/drills I could do indoors in a small space to improve my hand eye coordination, strength, etc.?
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Sure! Small whiffle golf balls and a sawed off broom stick is hours of fun. Take it up a notch and get a Nerf toy gun (usually a good size one, looks like a beefy machine gun all orange and yellow?) that shoots Nerf discs and again use broom handle bat. My son was laid up with a broken ankle last August and we did a lot of that and had a BALL!
The pitcher shoots the Nerf disc at the batter at a home plate. Could be 15' away. The discs naturally have a Curveball movement. Flip the gun upside down and it's like "bringing in the Lefty" because the disc curves the opposite way.
Also, with golf whiffle balls have someone do "side drops." Like soft toss but they stand opposite "home plate" and simply drop the ball from a height of 3-5 feet straight down on Home plate. Higher they drop from the "slower" the pitch, the lower they drop the faster the pitch. Great Hand / eye skills at work.
Good luck!
Forgot to mention, the discs are nearly impossible to hit with a broom stick. We ended up getting one of those "swim noodles" and slid it over the broom stick to give the hitter a fighting chance at making contact. Had to cut off about half of styrofome noodle when slid down around broom stick handle. Had to wrap duct tape around noodle as it tended to split due to force of broom stick size. You'll figure it out.
those sounds like good ideas, but i cannot swing a bat
im looking for something i can do within 2 to 3 feet of space approximately
Oh well, can't help ya
Move !
Haha. Wish I could
strength drills can be done (TRX, bands, free weights). Sounds like you live in a closet if you don't have more than 2-3 feet of free space. If so, then get yourself outside to a park or to a gym. A popup net and tee and you can do lots of useful hitting drills.
Thanks. I'll consider that.