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I thought that everyone should know that the snow we are experiencing has some benefits. Yes it is really lousy out there and the roads are really bad and if your school isn't closed, it should be.

The snow cover has some really good side effects though. The blanket it makes on your infield will help it come spring. So when you look out there and think that baseball season is far off and ask yourself if spring will ever come, remember how good this is for your baseball field.
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We are the only school in Madison County that had school. My workday is done. (I work a non-traditional schedule) but we still have over an hour and half of school and it is really coming down. Can't see the highway from here and it's not that far. We had sleet and ice before that. We are only supposed to get 4-6 inches but it looks like a blizzard now with the wind. I bet you guys up north really get it. To everyone stay warm but most importantly, STAY SAFE!

My plow guys didn't like it much either, but after I told them about how swell this was for the baseball infields they felt much better about it. And they don't even have kids for ballplayers. Your son must not be an infielder or a pitcher, because if he were you would appreciate all the good hops the nice infield provides.

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