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It is 4 a.m. and I cannot sleep. I have the rare 7:30 a.m. meeting that promises to be a good one. I am not going back to bed.

This is my 1700th post on hsbaseballweb. It's a lot, but not so many in comparison to so many others who have not been on these boards as long as me. For whatever reason, this is a big deal post to me.

I started reading not long after Bob Howdeshell started this site in 1998. My oldest son was 12 or 13 years old. Not long after that I began posting, although very infrequently at first.

From the start, I was amazed at the people here. Mostly they are all great, a few have been a little unusual, nearly all have been interesting. It is most amazing to see the good will, the great advice, all the interaction and an absolute willingness to help out one another in the vast majority of instances.

I have met a lot of the posters here over the years and enjoyed everyone of those meetings. One poster (mr mom) had a son who played with my oldest son at Virginia Tech. Luke Bell (Fungo) and Jerry Ford (PG Staff) have given advice that you just can't pay for. So have so many others like justbaseball (who is from Blacksburg, Va, where I went to college at Virginia Tech and whose son played for a USA team coached by the great man who coached all three of my sons in high school), infielddad, Cleveland Dad, hokieone (a fellow Hokie), etc... I have become Facebook friends with some great people I will never meet.

Some have passed on -- the principal, bbscout, Mary Ann Shappi and others. (I will never forget my sadness when I read the post from bbscout's son telling us all that his dad had died in his sleep the night before.) Some have stopped posting for one reason or another. Among them are BeenThereIll (who I actually met at the Junior Olympics in Tucson back in 1999), One Player's Pop, Gloveman, Leftydad, AParent, Chill, Bama Bomber, Jolly Roger, Hot Momma, and Bob, himself. Life changes and people move on, but, still, you wonder what became of them. One of my closest friends in AZ, I actually first encountered on these boards (rbinaz).

And nobody who has witnessed them will ever forget the legendary conversations (if that is the right descriptor) between TRhit and TPM. They are not so frequent now and I miss them.

And when it looked as if this site would disappear after Bob decided to step aside, he made a very wise 12th-hour decision to turn it over to Julie, who amazingly has kept it going and perhaps made it an ever better place.

I never thought when I first came across the hsbaseballweb that 14 years later I would be writing something like this. Baseball is way more than a game and has been the backdrop of an amazing family experience I never could have imagined would be this great. It is not over, but it is different now. This site, remarkably, has been a part of all of that.
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Wow - what a great 1700th post

Brings back many memories...

I still miss bbscout and the others you've mentioned. I read every post bbscout wrote. He added gravitas to the site. Never forget the shock when his son posted that sad announcement.

How about JT? JT died doing what he loved to do - pitching batting practice to his son. One of the freakiest, flukiest stories I've ever heard (the father was killed by a ball off the son's bat) and I dearly miss him. We used to correspond about baseball and music and I met him in Lynchburg Va where he was a professor at Liberty.

There have been some great characters and writers that have posted here. One of my favorites was Half Moon Slider and I often wonder what he is up to these days.

For me, most of the posts I see here have been posted and answered many times before. I think it all boils down for newcomers is trying to figure out where their kids fit in the pecking order. Do they have a shot at the next level? I think people would like to know the future but I tell you, you have to learn to appreciate today. When you can learn to do that, baseball becomes the greatest game even when things do not go your way.

My, has it really been that long jemaz? Indeed, time flies...
That was a wonderful post, and congrats on your 1700th!

BTW, I do not have 17000+ posts, at one point I think that when Julie switched over it doubled.

This place is surely unique and for those that are not aware there were plenty of times that we didn't talk about just baseball, Fungo used to tell some great stories and pose some great scenerios for us to ponder over, I miss that. Luke and Prepster (Clayton) were great inspirations for me.

One person I miss is Bullwinkle. What a hoot he is.

I also will never forget our friends that have passed on, and the shock of how sudden things can change, a good lesson to hug your loved ones daily, for they may not be there tomorrow.

TR and I have had some wicked back and forth diatribes, I actually miss it too and wish him well, i see he has been around.

Just wanted you to know that I am awaiting your THREE recruiting stories, I am aure that many can lear from your families experiences.

Hope that all went well today! Smile

I enjoyed your post. I don't go as far back as you, so I unfortunately missed the stories/posts from many of the OldTimers you had mentioned. I officially made my first post on the HSBBWeb in late 2008, but had been reading the threads a year prior. Yes indeed, there are many good people on this site...and you're one of them.


Bullwinkle and I represent the same company. He has an office about twenty miles south of mine in the next county. you know, his son played and graduated from the same university that my son is attending. If he and I run acrossed each other I'll make sure to forward your kind thoughts of him and tell him to check in every once in awhile.
jemaz, what a wonderful post and thread.
I am so sorry you were doing it at 4am due to this darn insomnia/sleepless thing which seems to be an issue on both ends of life. Smile
When I first started reading and lurking on the site, Bob had some friends from Tennessee who were hysterical. One was HiawasseeVol(sp?). Boy, he and Bob and some others were just outright comedy club when it came to the head coach at Tennessee, who they "lovingly" referred to as RayBans.
When I sit and look at the site Bob created, it is truly remarkable. The insight and technology make this a site which is still so easy to use. It is truly, still, remarkable technology.
Above all, though, it is the people. Reading about Jeff Taylor getting his chance with the Reds, a dream come true shared with his Father in spirit, still puts a lump in my throat.
Getting to know bbscout on this site, having him call from Sunken and propose we get a burger since opening day might be delayed by rain....from a cyberfriend who explained a DIII kid can get scouted and drafted seemed and still does a bit surreal. I would never have known these wonderful people if the HSBBW didn't exist.
Sitting in the Dutch Goose with my good friend justbaseball talking baseball and the challenges our sons encounter along the way...over a nice tall one.
Watching many sons, yours, fanofgame's, and more than a few others at Sunken and other diamonds...boy has this been fun.
Celebrating with Mary Ann Shappi when our son's were selected to play in the MWL All Star game and sending her photos of AJ starting that game in Peoria, Ill...just the best.
Typing with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes knowing JT would not see his son ever play another baseball game and AJ Shappi would never have his Mom see him pitch another game.
jemaz, what a wonderful thread you have started.
Baseball can be life.
Bob and Julie have provided a cyberspace opportunity of life and baseball through the HSBBW.
I am so grateful to them.
I am so grateful to so many who took a risk, lurked, gulped, posted and created what jemaz, at 4am, so beautifully described.
Well said. As a mom in no where Connecticut, I never would have known anything about the recruiting process without the folks here.

For those of you who lurk but may not post, there are some fantastic folks here. If nothing else, register so that you can send private messages. The wealth of information I have received from folks via private messages is incredible. There are very generous posters here.

My son never would have played in Jupiter last fall without this Board. He will never forget that experience.

And if you haven't made a financial contribution, it is never too late!

What a tremendous 1700th post. It brought back many fond memories for me, as well as some tears.

I remember finding this site back in... I think it was 2000. My son was a freshman in HS and seemed to have some baseball potential. I mentioned to my sister that he hoped to play college baseball and she told me that players can't just show up as freshmen in college and get on a college team... they actually have to do this thing called recruiting! So I did a Google search, found this site, and the amazing ride began.

The info, the support, the friendships, the memories.

Tears in my eyes as I remember learning from bbscout's son's post that Doug had passed away.

"Talking" via email with Mary Ann the night before her surgery, hoping to take her mind off her worries. In the next few days, learning from another mom on this site that she was not recovering as planned. Getting a phone call at work from yet another mom, luvbb (Kathy) that Mary Ann had passed away.

Arranging to meet playbaseball (Annette) when she was here in Minneapolis for her daughter's softball tourney, and as we each drove separately to the restaurant where we would meet, hearing on the radio that the I35 bridge had collapsed.

Some of the moms I've mentioned decided that our friendships mattered too much to only visit by PM and email, and started getting together when we could... from California to Pennsylvania, flying to somewhere in the middle for girls' weekends. Two weeks ago we met in Milwaukee and watched Vance pitch for the Phillies.

Getting to know some of the dads on this site like ClevelandDad, GotWood, BigHit, capn and others. Receiving baseball advice and considering them friends.

Having a beer with OnePlayersPop's son Zach Duke after a Pirates game (what a fun opportunity to visit with a very, very nice and smart young man).

Meeting PGStaff and his wife several times at baseball events and learning that they both truly are that genuine, that warm, that caring and sincere.

Leaning on Fungo for support and sage advice when I hit some bumps in the road in the first year after taking over the site from Bob.

Wow, so many other truly amazing friends on this site who have meant so much thru the years.

jemaz, I hope your 7:30 a.m. meeting went well. Thank you for sharing your 4 a.m. thoughts with us.

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I love this site.

If it were not for TRHit, I would not have ever heard of the lovely school I'm going to, let alone have gone there. He allowed me a great experience playing for him and opened several doors for me, including the one I went through Big Grin

Along the way I was also able to meet southpaw_dad (and son), biggerpapi, and others yet. I've had very meaningful electronic correspondence with others.

I feel like it wouldn't be right for me to take such important things from the site without giving I stay here and hope my words can help someone, even if just one person.

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