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In a recent thread, a poster asked, I believe Coach May, why he was posting when he should be getting ready for the season. Couldn't believe anyone would read Coach May's post and not understand that he was born ready. However, it started me thinking, what are most coaches doing?


  • I purchased the Rightview Pro software and I'm having a blast using it. I get to use my girl for now to learn with but when our season gets going, I will be able to film all of our hitters and start files on them. I'm also going to use that video for their recruiment. If you don't know, many colleges are now using it so I can email clips of my hitters to those colleges and they'll be able to get a quick look at my kids.
  • I posted this last year and everyone kind of laughed because they don't have to do it but I just ordered our hats. MAJOR CHORE ACCOMPLISHED! Of course I don't know who is going to make the team and so, I have to order excess. Then I always find a Dad or two in each size that wants to buy a hat.
  • Finishing repairs on nets. I should get this done earlier but this is the one thing I procrastinate on. Screens are the same. However, my kid and I did this in the fall so they are ready.
  • Reading everything I can on pitching and going to talk to any and every college coach that will talk to me about what they do. Pitching is going to be HEARTACHE FOR US. I just told Just-Learning that I am not putting his son on the mound this year. His son is a soph and a very good pitcher. However, I need him in the OF.
  • Getting all of my handouts ready for students to drop by my room to pick up on tryouts, physical, ... They pick it up and I've covered everything that they need to know almost down to the color of the clothes they wear. (j/k)
  • Re-reading The Baseball Coaching Bible
  • Making defensive diagrams and batting orders like crazy. I don't know of one coach who can sit now and not do this. Naturally this is based on last year, what you saw over the summer and doesn't account for individual improvements and/or that move in. Those are always great surprises.
  • Going to coaching clinics. You can always learn more.
  • VERY IMPORTANT - TRYING TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH MY WIFE AND CHILD. In a month, I won't have any time to spend with them.
I always find this last month hard. We are allowed to start February 26 this year. I'm ready to get going but can't. Then again, that makes that first day so exciting. One thing for sure, I always have great kids and so, I'm going to have fun again this year. I hope you all do as well.

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Great list coach. I dont think people understand that getting ready for the season means so many things and starts right after the season ends. We have to maintain our field. That means that during the summer fall and winter it is up to the coaches to cut the grass weed eat spray for weeds etc etc etc. There is a tremendous amount of time and effort put into maintaining a baseball field and the facilities such as the cages etc. We start our off season strength and conditioning program in June and run it all the way up to the start of the season. This is five days a week for three hours a day. Like you we attend as many camps and seminars as possible and are always trying to learn more. Pitching is something that I am always trying to learn more about. Every off season we meet and we discuss what we did good and what we need to improve on as a staff. This off season the emphasis was on hitting and baserunning. When the season starts it actually gets easier. Now we can focus on just coaching and not ordering uniforms hats socks belts etc etc and the kids help maintain the field as well during the season. Most of our individual work with players is done in the off season. During the season the emphasis is on team work. This is not to say we dont work on individual stuff we sure do. But first and third defense and offense , cut plays , bunt offense bunt defense , baserunning etc etc is taught on a team basis for the most part. I believe if you are going to build a program then it takes a tremendous amount of effort the entire year. If your going to just build a team then it is a four month endeavor. Come 2-12 when we start official practice the hay is in the barn in my opinion. Now we have to fine tune and put the pieces together. Players should be the same way. The ones that wait untill the season starts to get ready for baseball are in serious trouble. The ones that have spent the off season getting ready for the season are ready to go. JMHO
Coach May, GOOD LUCK! 2/12 YOU'RE GETTING DOWN TO THE WIRE. Yes, your comments were spot on about the off season and the facilities. I don't know if you read that our facilities were hit by a tornado or not. They are putting my new cages up right now. I am going down there in a minute or two to take a look. Even though it is over a full month away, I'm going to ask them to leave the nets on after the posts set up. That'll get another major chore done. As alwasy, Coach, if you think I have anything that would help you, please let me know.
My list looks a lot like yours fellas. One additional thing this year that on Saturday me and my two little boys are going to go out to the field and roll all the snow off the warning track on the South side because it is shaded and is always wet over there... so that will be fun Smile
I'm having a heck of a time getting a requisition from my school to get cable to hang my outdoor cages on... we have such high wind here that if you only hold it up in 4 or 5 places it stresses the net big time...
Just found out the kid I was planning on being my full time shortstop is not going to play this year.. says he doesn't like it anymore etc... Oh well, some kid that DOES like it is going to get an opportunity.

What version of RightView pro did you purchase. I have been looking into it and was not sure which features I would use the most.

Trojan Skipper-

I hope that kids who wants to be there has a great season. I never want to see kids quit, but if it means that someone else who cares more gets an opportunity, it is a blessing in disguise.
Great list CoachB, looks all too familiar. Also, trying to get a sound system for our field. Lastly, gearing up for my yearly ritual of watching "Major League", "Bull Durham", "Sandlot", "Field of Dreams", and "The Rookie". I do this each year, and find myself feeling like a kid again waiting for that first day...on which I listen to John Fogarty's "Centerfield" about a dozen times!!!
hsbaseballcoach, great list. Can I add one more although football? I like watching Remember the Titans. Sandlot = INSTANT CLASSIC! My girl and I have some "standards" we watch together. This include Remember the Titans, Sandlot, and Field of Dreams.

Requisition for cable? My maintenance crew works so hard but they are everywhere. I just go buy that stuff myself and put it up. They appreciate that.

BC Rockets, I have the coach's version which includes both the Coach's Version and another "viewer." Again, this wasn't in the budget so I bought it. We are toying around with this now and having fun filming my girl. The boys will greatly benefit from it. However, as you know, it is expensive.

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