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You are under no obligation to supply your child's SSN on a college recruiting form.

Thank you! Smile

However, at some point during the application process, the student likely must provide his SS# in order to be considered for admission.

Now,...under the above circumstance, I could understand it.

But on a baseball recruiting form?
Or showcase form?

I don't think so. Mad

Texan,.................. Big Grin Big Grin

Last edited by shortstopmom
My daughter's roommate is a nuclear engineering major. She applied for a summer internship with a government agency. This agency wanted my daughter to divulge her SSN so they could do a background check on her (my kid, not the applicant). Our reply was "NO". Roommate got the internship anyway. I would not supply it on a form like that.
A lot of colleges use the SS# for ID in the application process. My son found it was important at one school. The school application and the financial aid application had different numbers (typo error). The coach was having a hard time getting the info together to make an offer. He could find the application by SS# but not any financial aid info. Eventually we discovered the error and had it corrected.

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