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Wofford,Furman, and Davidson are limited with scholarships and struggle with depth each season joining UNCG as the conference bottom feeders. UNCG is fully funded and has the nicest facilities in the SoCon yet has for a decade hovered around .500 until the bottom finally dropped out the past two years (back-to-back 11 of 12 place finishes).

Clearly the unhappiest players in the conference (check the year-to-year roster turnover, among the worst in the country)...and with 19 position players on this year's roster, it should be another "lovefest" in Greensboro.
Last edited by baseball12532
The SOCON is good conference with some very good programs in it. Western Carolina is really going to be good this year with back to back outstanding recruiting class's and some fine returning upper classman on the roster. Elon is always tough and they have a coaching staff I would put up there with anyone in the nation. UNCG simply has issues. Like mentioned above nice facilities.
Coach May:

Nice report on Western Carolina. Glad to hear you think highly of them this year. The "word" around Cullowhee is that they will be back in a regional after a few year's absence. I have been following them for a few years now and am very impressed with their coaching staff. Also, they are making some renovations to their field which should help with recruiting.
Oustanding coaching staff. Truly great guys who do a tremendous job. And they do a great job of utilizing their entire roster. They are the big man on campus. If you ever get the chance to go to a game there do it. The students pack that place. Great atmosphere for the fans and players. Its an oustanding baseball program.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
I think it is a fine conference.

Elon and CoC are at the top imho. Elon is a more pitching oriented team whereas CoC is known for offense. Western Carolina and The Citadel are two other fine southern conference teams.

Elon has commitments from two 6.5 speedsters in the 2011 recruiting class.
Seems that UNCG had a very good 2011 season. Based on earlier posts this year, that was very unexpected. Were thewre major changes made to the program prior to the season....or just one of those years that everything goes well? By the same token, seems like Western Carolina underachieved.

Have a 2014 son that is interested in this Conference and wondered if anybody had knowledge of the 2011 season.

The SoCon was down in 2011, but should be improved in 2012. Things should return to "normal" with traditional also-rans returning to customary position, once in a blue moon season has come and gone. The team you reference lost all of it's starting pitching -- which carried them, and they return offense that again posted a below average team BA. Coach intends to "try out" 40 candidates for spots on the team this fall, but I bet he didn't mention that to the recruits like he did to returning players in post season interviews in May. There are several serious programs in the conference, -- C of C, W Carolina, Elon, Citadel come to mind.
Last edited by baseball12532

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