There are many old sayings in baseball, and heres one for you... "you can't steal second base until you step off first base"........
Literally meaning, you cant do anything until you step off your safe place into the uncertain future......
Now to the issue, you are not yet on first base.... Having never played the game in your 18-19 years, you are at a great disadvantage over the many young players each year who graduate HS with college baseball aspirations and years of experience..... Playing college baseball at any level is an achievement.
Now, I am not trying to discourage you in any way.....I believe that with talent and God's help great things can be done......
But you need to get started. Try looking into 19-u teams, palomino league teams, county league teams, (sandlot, semi pro) look into Roy Hobbs leagues....use that computer to search your available choices and start training. You may not reach your ultimate goal of playing college baseball, but you will be playing some sort of baseball....
I will take issue with one statement you said......You made a blanket indictment of some coaches by saying that "Some coaches play favorites".....clearly that can be a true statement, but coming from someone who admittedly never played or even tried out, it comes off as a cheap insult.... An insult you will not want the coach of the team you hope to play for to hear......
There are good coaches and bad ones....but the good far outweigh the bad.........Most of them not only want to help you reach the stars, they will bend over and let you climb on their backs to get there.....and they deserve more respect from you.
Ok, so time to get started. I'm pulling for you.........Let us know how we can help you along......