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Probably not what Glanville — who played nine years in the major leagues — meant. He likely was trying to get punny, took a wrong turn down Analogy Lane and showed the world he's more familiar with the title of the film than its plot.


Glanville's plenty smart and a great writer.  I don't know much about his in-game. But I tend to agree with the blog author you linked, and am willing to chalk it up to a poor attempt at a pop-culture reference.

I don't think Glanville's comment warranted any criticism from Yahoo which tends to criticize everything.  Brokeback Mountain was a silly movie imho and I think it was apparent that Glanville was not alluding to the underlying theme of the movie but merely a reference to its title.


FWIW, Glanville attended an IVY-League school and is indeed no dummy.  He was a member here at the hsbbweb for a time.    

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