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Son's college game last night, saw something new. Last year, we had a discussion on here regarding catchers using a wristband with signals, similar to quarterbacks, to get pitches from the bench, and whether it slowed the game down.

Last night's opponents used it on offense. Third base coach (presumably head coach) had one on his wrist, and each batter/runner did as well. When he gave the signs, they all stopped, looked at their wristband, before getting into box.

I guess it is just a continuaton, but I really didn't like it. Seemed to slow that part down more so than the catcher using it for signs.

Anybody else seen this yet?
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Yeah it's starting to catch on and it seems that most fans don't like it. Please don't take this the wrong way but I wonder if it really does take longer than traditional signs or if it seems that way because it's new.

I would love to see a game with one team using the bands and another team using traditional signs and get a stopwatch to see who actually takes longer.
I've seen it and I actually purchased 20 armbands last summer from the Nike outlet because my kids were missing signs. We haven't used them but I have them just in case I want to go in that direction.

We have used them for signalling to our catchers and it actually sped up our signal calling. A lot of coaches and players could speed up the process by getting the signals quicker (i.e. not watching a foul ball fly out of the yard, etc).
My son's high school team went to wristbands last year. Several different numbers could mean the same sign. They missed more signs than the year before. Some runners weren't getting their best leads as they were still looking at their wrists trying to figure out if there's a signal.
Last edited by RJM
Even if it doesn't actually slow the game down, it SEEMS endless. Who wants to watch people do all that choreography and paperwork? It gets really goofy when a coach uses signs to indicate a wristband number, then STILL goes through the whole 10-second signal-hiding routine to call his play. Our coach was doing this last year - it got to the point of being ridiculous. The NSA couldn't have figured out what in the hell was going on, and it felt like it was taking forever.

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