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Don't think anyone has noticed, but I have been out of pocket for the past two weeks in the hospital with pneumonia and complications. I had been fighting off a bad cold for a couple of weeks, fever, cough the whole nine yards. As the stubborn individual I am and thinking I can beat anything, I kept thinking I was getting better. Well, the long story short is had I waited another 24 hours to get to the Dr. I would have been sidelined permanently, and I do mean permanently. After 2 weeks in the hospital and 10 days in the ICU after emergency surgery to my right lung, I am back home and last Friday I was back coaching. We won, which helped, but I am a long way from being back to 100%.

I am writing this in hopes of reaching out to our baseball family out there, players, coaches etc. to say take care of yourself or very bad things can happen. Had I gone to the Dr. sooner, I would have been fine. Know the signs, and don't think you can beat anything. I am good health otherwise, and I thoght I could beat the bug. Left unchecked illness can claim anyone, regardless of whom you are so my point is this, if you want to part take in this great game for years to come, please take care of yourself and seek medical attention when you are not feeling well. As a coach, I am always telling players to go to the trainer, the Dr. and I did not follow my own advice. I missed 4 games and I am glad to be back and I have a new found appreciation for life, family, friends and a great group of young men in my baseball program.

If one person reads this and heeds my plea, it was a post well spent.

Have a great day and its nice to be back!

Coach Strecker
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Waveball, glad you're up and at 'em again! It was a real wake up call to me some years ago when Jim Henson, young and healthy with lots of money to pay for medical care, died from pneumonia. At that time, I had NO idea that a healthy person living the good life in the Western World could die of something as mundane as pneumonia.

Your words are for the wise, coach!!

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