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Some of you may know that things were tough in December for our family. But January is going strong.

Just wanted to share it for some of the folks that teeter on the decsion making process about schools and sports.

1Bdaughter chose not to pursue a softball career in college, after having offers from some 2 year schools. She chose to focus on academics and her goal of being a Physical Therapist. This week, I got the certificate in the mail that she made the Deans list!!

Today, 1Bson signed to play baseball with Crowder College. While he could have attended most any 4 year school academically, he wanted to pursue baseball. The big 4 year opportunity appeared to be out of reach so he's heading to a quality 2 year school.

Two kids, raised exactly the same, with different goals and dreams. Nature vs. Nurture????? The younger two are even more different yet. Yep, 4 of them....crazy huh?

My best advice is raise them as best you can and let them chase their dreams. They'll find their way, just like we did.

What a great gift kids are!!
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Great news. Sounds like you have done a great job with your kids. Hey the two year school baseball thing is really ok,my son is doing it and its working out well. We have struggled the last couple years as well and in the end its a blessing he is where he is.General ed. is getting done and hes still playing baseball. best of luck (fan)
The big 4 year opportunity appeared to be out of reach

1BDad - awesome post and congrats!

Let me finish the above thought... at this time...

Things might be presently out of reach but that does not mean permanently. I believe it is very difficult to tell exactly what a young ball player will look like years down the road. If a kid works hard enough over time, he could surpass other kids who have been told things are presently in reach for them at this time.
Very Good News, 1BDad! Crowder is a very good choice for continuing your son's baseball career. Last time I was at the campus they had just finished a new Athletic Building that included new locker room facilities for the baseball team I believe. I know that other improvements were also being planned for the baseball field. The coaches do a good job of teaching their players and if I am remembering correctly they do a pretty good job of promoting the kids as well.

Besides all of that, Neosho is a pretty nice town to spend some time in too!
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:

If a kid works hard enough over time, he could surpass other kids who have been told things are presently in reach for them at this time.

Wow! Us Dads (and moms) really are alike in our thinking! I was JUST telling this to younggun in a conversation about 2 hours ago. (then he got in his truck and left for....???) I wonder if that is a sign...

Congrats 1BDad!

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