Just wanted to share it for some of the folks that teeter on the decsion making process about schools and sports.
1Bdaughter chose not to pursue a softball career in college, after having offers from some 2 year schools. She chose to focus on academics and her goal of being a Physical Therapist. This week, I got the certificate in the mail that she made the Deans list!!
Today, 1Bson signed to play baseball with Crowder College. While he could have attended most any 4 year school academically, he wanted to pursue baseball. The big 4 year opportunity appeared to be out of reach so he's heading to a quality 2 year school.
Two kids, raised exactly the same, with different goals and dreams. Nature vs. Nurture????? The younger two are even more different yet. Yep, 4 of them....crazy huh?
My best advice is raise them as best you can and let them chase their dreams. They'll find their way, just like we did.
What a great gift kids are!!