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My son falls off pretty hard to his glove side when pitching.  I have only seen one video clip ( I have never videoed) which is from a "Prospect Select" tweet to show this.  It contains his name, team, Etc since I cant seem to separate the video from the tweet.  Is it Ok to post that on here for opinions or better left off?? 

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Generally not advised to post with names but with the scenario you are describing, really not a big deal, particularly if you are not concerned.  I say fire away.

Now that said, when posting a video clip and asking for input/opinions on pitching mechanics (or hitting), be prepared for the full range of kitchen sinks .  And I am not banning myself from the party   


I think I see what you are looking at.   Hard to tell.  Maybe  over rotating on finish to compensate for plant

foot??? Disclaimer: I have zero experience, and truly appreciate any help I can get.

I have seen tape lines on the artificial mounds to possibly help with aligning the landing foot, so I will check on that.

To me his whole body appears to have a "tilt" toward the first base side as soon as he begins to go "forward".  Not Sure this is necessarily bad, but it seems it would be hard to "Drive off the Rubber" in that position???


I freeze-framed at different spots and I don't see excessive early side tilt.  He has some back tilt at hand separation which isn't uncommon at all.  Really, it just looks like he stumbled ever so slightly at finish and that exaggerated the natural fall off.

The view is not very close and it's just one pitch... so I won't try to dissect further.  Looks good.

Last edited by cabbagedad

Upon foot plant you son has his weight planted primarily on the outside of his foot. This makes it difficult for him to drive the front leg to extension and he goes around the front leg to maintain balance. As others have noted it may be a one pitch thing. It is hard from this angle to tell if he is a little too closed on his landing or not. I am not sure how concerned I would be about it. Largely it would depend on his velocity for his size and his ability to locate. I don't think most college coaches are going to particularly like it but it shouldn't prevent them from taking him if his other attributes are where they want them to be. Good luck!

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