I should be happy for my boy, and I am, but I'm torn by the situation. He is a freshman on a varsity team that isn't strong. (At another school, he'd likely play Freshman ball and some JV. He plays travel ball/summer league for a strong team.) The school team has a senior catcher who made region conference last year as a Jr. He has struggled a little bit this year at the plate and behind it. My son did, too, as he adjusted to the guys he was facing. Now at the end of the season he has found his grove again and is really excelling.
Two games ago the coach announced that they had a new lead defensive catcher. I assumed he meant for next year, and my son was so happy to be given praise. But then the last two games he has put my son in over the senior player--and he has done an excellent job. We're proud of him.
My problem: I think my boy has 3 more years to catch, while this player has a few more games left in his career. I think he should be given priority over my son, but I don't want to rain on my guy's parade. It's been bittersweet to go to these last games. I really feel for #2 and think he's getting short changed in his last year. Am I wrong?
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