Thanks for the input you guys have given regarding putting together videos, angles, etc...I've been helping my son put together a page on YouTube with some pitching videos that he can link to when he communicates with potential college coaches.
If any of you have some spare time with NOTHING else to do, I would like some input on the page and moreso, the videos...I have kept them short, approx. 2:00. The only editing I did was to cut out filler in between pitches...otherwise, it's just straight sequence of pitches focused on mechanics.
The fall video was not shot with doing this in mind, so the angles and such are not ideal...the most recent one had a little more direction, but my wife shot the video (as I was in the press box doing PA) and some of the shots are not EXACTLY what I wanted, but she did fine

I plan to add more through the summer, fall and next year.
I look at this page as a business page...I've disabled comments, and put relavant (I think) information regarding my son. I know this is just another tool to help us in the marketing process.
Thanks for any input.