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Ignoring all other aspects of this deal, which by the way looks like the consumate win-win scenario, it is wonderful for an altogether different reason:

In a stadium where fans have long shouted a loud "O!" in the middle of the national anthem ("O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave...."), with a team called affectionately the O'S, it'll take about two seconds for the PA Guy to use "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-sa!"

I hope the muscles came naturally, and welcome to Camden Yards Mr. Sosa.

With Tehada, Palmeiro, etc., I can't imagine there will be clubhouse issues. Fresh start. And to the Cubbie fans, I love Jerry Hairston, Jr., and absent an injury to Hairston last year, you would have gotten Brian Roberts instead. Jerry Hairston is a pure class act, 100% hustle, and I truly hate to see him go.
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Truly is a win - win for the O's & Sammy.

I watched the "welcome to the yard" interview yesterday afternoon live on Comcast Sports and Sammy seemed really excited about his fresh start in Baltimore.

O's executive Mike Flanagan joked he gave up one of Sammy's first homeruns.

Between Sosa and Palmerio I think the homeruns add up to over 1,100 in their careers. Not to shabby.

Also sounded like if that had not have worked out he would have been wearing a Nationals uniform.

In any event it should be a really exsciting MLB season this year.

Can't wait.

Stories from teammates in Chicago are slowly trickling out as to what a horrendous, self-centered teammate he was. Cubs let ego and boombox get out of hand. Absolutely ridiculous that the type (salsa) of music and volume was biggest issue in Cubs clubhouse over the past 10 or so years.
A writer in Chicago today felt reason Sosa won't lash out at Cubs is players and organization know truth about his "workout" regimen and # and location of corked bats. He wisely wants to put this all to rest.
Enjoy O's.
Hey, we had Albert Belle for four years. His picture is in the Webster's Illustrated Dictionary next to the word "jerk".

Sosa will be like Mary Poppins coming in after four years of Mr. Belle. I've never seen a man looking so unhappy, making so much, to play a game loved by so many. What a flaming jerk he was, and what a great day it was when he left, although it's a shame he was hurt. Too bad Georgie Boy didn't manage to sign him for the Yankees.

Sammy will be fine. Second chances and a fresh start may be just what he long as his name doesn't surface on a BALCO document.

Baseball is a game where they have been cheating for decades, i.e, stealing signs from the catcher, spitballs, corked bats, we all know this. Steroids, that's cheating also.

About five or six years ago Sosa shows up to play. Bulging forearms, biceps, deltoids, thighs, etc. This is all covered-up by his uniform of coarse! Especially his forearms!!!! Big deal, right???? Wrong!

When the temperature was in the ninties, he never wore a short sleeved jersey, never! Not until last year did he wear a short sleeved jersey, plus he even looked thinner . Does this mean anything??? Maybe not, maybe he liked being all wrapped-up because he came from the Dominican Republic. Hot, and near the equator. So what!!! Mark McGuire didn't hide or cover anything up during that time and speculation has it that he may have bulked up as well.

Don't get me wrong, he gave us many memorable moments which were so exciting, and we all talked about. Those memories now have question marks after them.

O.K., so what!! Well the problem I had with Sosa is him not coming to spring training with the other guys when scheduled, "Sammy is in the house" was his famous cry when he showed-up. That's o.k. I guess, BUT the biggest problem I, and the rest of the Cub fans had with Sosa was him walking out on his teammates before the end of the last game. That's totally unacceptable. Period.

I hope the Oriole fans get a better deal. Sosa was fun to watch. A real showman, charmer. Also, the White Sox had Belle for awhile. Maybe it's our ownership, or our city?????
With all the crying and moaning SAMMY will put fannies in the seats in Camden Yards as well all the other America League Parks and when he hits 50 HRS the Cubbies Fans will be cursing Hendry for trading him

Also watch the number of Orioles games that get televised nationally now that Sammy is there

Aint Life Great !!~
Last edited by TRhit
TR...Cubbies will regret having gotten rid of Sammy. Sammycork didn't deserve to get launched. 9 terrific seasons and 1 bad one. Wood is the crybaby, they should have launched him! Wait 'til you see the Zambrano meltdown this summer.

Wait 'til August when they're out of the race and making excuses. Can't complain about Sammy...he's gone. Can't complain about Steve STone...he's gone. Can't complain about his buddy, he's gone to Atlanta. I know, they'll blame the Mayor for their poor performance and the chunks of concrete falling on the fans heads...saying he should have closed the park last year.

Baker will be gone, too. He hasn't done anything since he got here. Baylor couldn't do anything 'cause he had half a team Baker had.

What an infield...Pitchers will go crazy whenever a ball is hit on the ground. GM, a groundball pitcher, may retire early. Ramirez, Nomar and Walker...I don't think any one of them has fielded a groundball cleanly since 1999.

Go White Sox!
I'm reading your post "BeenThere" and thinking what the heck is this guy talking about and then....the last line...Go White Sox, which rendered any statement before it useless. Smile Forget all the hoopla around the boom box and coming in late to Spring training and the ego...bottom line is Sosa is a one trick pony who had the ability play solid baseball, but chose not to. If you want to see what's wrong with baseball, follow Sosa. I can't believe any knowledgable baseball person could take watching Sosa play day in and day out and not get sick to his stomach. It's the casual, exoteric fan who idolizes him. I've been a Die-Hard Cub fan my entire life. I have never liked Sosa and now never will.
Last edited by Halfmoonslider
I agree with you except that I think the Cubs are better off without Sosa. I never liked the guy and I think he is now and has always been a fraud. No player in MLB history has benefited more from steroid abuse than Sosa. Without the steroids Sammy would have been ordinary, at best. At least Bonds was great before the steroids.
For Recab....I respect your pride and nationalism, however it clouds your thinking IMO. I think Sammy could have been one of the greatest all-around players the game has ever seen. He had the tools. He chose to do steroids, cork bats, eschew his god-given speed, ignored team goals and hit home runs to please the fans. Sure he hustled and busted his butt, but mis-directed hustle is all for show.

BeenThere...Palmiero was wet behind the ears when the Cubs made the decision to go with Grace who was thought of as a better prospect at the time. I'm old enough to remember Brock for Ernie Broglio, but Brock hadn't done anything prior to the trade. The next year, 1964, he took the Cards to the World Series.

Now seriously, arguing in a national forum that in some way the White Sox are a better and more historied franchise is really futile. And please don't talk about drunken least Cubs drunks are mis-directed college kids. You guys have sub-mutants like Ligue....oh my gosh... Smile All in fun, my friends....all in fun!

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