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My son has developed back spasms from lifting a rather large cooler. He is on accutane and the dermatologist took him off of it until he has healed. I have found a lot of info on the stuff but nothing about long term issues.
Anybody know anything?

He is 12 years old, 5'8" 140 lbs of bone and muscle.

Does anyone have any tricks to help with the healing and get him ready to play this weekend?

We have a big tournament and he will be sorely missed. He can't play until he is 48 hours without pain. I don't think it is going to work.
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There are no "tricks" to getting healthy !!! Nature takess care of that, especially at 12 years of age

At his age if he missed this weekend and how many others after this until he is healthy it is no big thing--- aggravate a back problem and it never goes away---trust me

Make sure he is working with a GOOD doctor
Last edited by TRhit
If there is any pain he will not play!! Knowing my son he will get up on Saturday and say that it feels great and fake it even if it is killing him. He doesn't know about 48 hour window after the pain is gone. Oh well. I will just have to start talking to my wife again or something. For the doctor, we took him to Mayo clinic.

They are not bad doctors.

Your dermatologist did the right thing by taking your son off the accutane. One of the side effects is muscle aches if you participate in extremely vigorous exercise. Lifting a large cooler could have easily set it off. This stuff can work wonders if administered and monitored properly, as it did for my 19 year-old son, to clear up a modest, but not a severe case of acne. He was on the accutane for 6 months, and he did experience several of the side effects such as chapped lips, dry skin, and the occasional nose bleed, but that was basically it. As an ex-high school basketball player, my son also shut down any recreational or intramural hoops for those 6 months as a precautionary measure to avoid the potential muscle aches. I am somewhat surprised though that your dermatologist would prescribed accutane to a 12-year old. Usually the product is used only if you have exhausted all other available medical treatments. I hope your son feels better soon.

Thanks VF. He is a boy in a man's body. We tried sulfide creams and other things from the dermatologist and nothing works. We go back on the 30th and they may try it with half a dose.

How long after your son stopped taking it did the chapped and cracked skin go away?

My wife's side of the family has a history of being tall, fast, coordinated, and acne stricken.

He got all four.
I am also surprised that the doctor put a 12 year old on accutane. It is a very powerful and dangerous drug, even the lower doses and even with all teh info. There are other remedies (**** antibiotics, external remedies).
My son went on accutance for a very shirt period at 17 and was off pretty quickly because of bad side affects.
If you read the warnings, it says if you participate in sports you must let the doctor know. The reason is because it causes bones to become brittle (lack of moisture).
Regardless of being in a man's body, he is only 12.
Thanks for the info and concern.

He has severe acne. 50+ blemishes on the face, hundreds on the neck, shoulders, back, entire upper torso, hair, etc.

We have tried everything including diet, allergists, antibiotics and you name it. It is a self esteem issue. He doesn't get teased much because he is a nice kid that is "strong like bull".
But it bothers him and he sees his Uncles with the scars.

Maybe we will try accutane again after ball season. It started to work and most of the side effects are manageable.
Accutane was a life-saver for me, but I did not go on until I was 18 and we tried everything else.

It sure is powerful. Some of the sides are non-avoidable so you just have to manage them.

I took Accutane while playing a 120 game spring/summer schedule so I was ok there, but your son is so young (but certainly not small!) that you must be very careful. I'm sure your doctor has everything under control.

And there are not any tricks to heal a back injury besides standard protocol such as R.I.C.E. Never try and rush an injury.
Last edited by Jon Doyle
He is 12 years old, 5'8" 140 lbs of bone and muscle.

I just wanted to comment that I was this big my junior year of high school! I had pretty bad acne when I was younger, and I turned down accutane when the doctor told me of the side effects.

I used Benzamycin cream and took doxycycline (which is also used to treat anthrax, I got a kick out of that, lol). Those worked wonders for me. Those might be effective during the season, but definitely talk to your doctor.

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