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When you see his dad, say hi to him for me. He's got to be IN HEAVEN.

I go back to seeing Ryan pitching and hitting as a 14 year old at a tourney in Iowa just a few short years ago...and then at your fall showcase in Cedar Rapids.

I thought he was going to go pro as a lhp. What do I know?

Congrats to you, too, for calling it right.
Congrats to Ryan and his family!

I remember my husband coming home from a PG event in spring 2003 and commenting on Sweeney. He said he was standing a foot or two away from him after watching him pitch and hit, and had to hold himself back from asking for an autograph - figured he was going to be a great one some day. Surprising comment from my husband considering this was a high school senior, since he has never been the star-struck type! Big Grin

Best wishes to Ryan!
Last edited by MN-Mom

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