I walked my son to his plane on Saturday out of Atlanta. At the security checkpoint there were a lot of kids that had similar looking bags to my sons (presumably with their vital equipment) baseball hats on, sunglasses flipped upside down on the rim...i.e. baseball players coming from the 16u WWBA that just finished at Lakepoint.
In a bored voice, like she had said it a million times, the TSA agent said "If you have a belt remove it, also remove your shoes and place them in a gray bin, if you have any drinks throw them out, if you have any baseball equipment thrown them out"....10+ players (including my son) snapped their heads up in panic saying WHAT, HUH, WHAT....the TSA agent burst into laughter and said "Just kidding guys, had to see if you were awake".
It was hysterical to watch.