Our kid is his own toughest critic, never needed to point out the obvious, he was already all too aware of it himself, privately. Sometimes, makes it even hard to point out the positives, after a really good game... "Telling me only the positive stuff after a game...isn't gonna help me with where I need to improve my game"
So, car rides home can be quiet. We just kinda keep quiet, follow his lead, and then respond when he starts to open up about the game.
One of the toughest things to witness, is how some Dad's, publicly berate their sons, immediately following a game. And they don't wait to get to the family car, or even walking to the car...they are often standing just outside the dugout... You can just see it all over the players faces.
But, the Dad, won't have to worry. He probably won't have to painstakingly suffer thru too many more sporting events... His kid is failing 4 subjects, and will likely be ineligible for Spring Baseball & Fall Football!
Wonder why...?