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Okay I know the Richmond Braves travel organization was 'acquired' by Sportsquest. They were directing all traffic to a Sportsquest baseball site. Now that site is down. Account no longer exists. You got to RISE's baseball site, it links to the same (now not accessible) Sportsquest site. Anyone know what happened?
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Not sure. Very interesting development. You've peaked my curiousity.

A few months ago it was an absolute love-fest. Now, I don't see any mention of SportsQuest on the RBraves site or the D1Draftable site which are the usual suspects to promote SportsQuest and their training. And, no mention of the RBraves on the SportsQuest site which I find unusual. We still get RBraves emails from time to time even though son just finished up his college freshmen baseball year. If I see something I'll pass it along.
"State sues Sports Quest over marketing"

Uh-oh. I'm so surprised.

After reading this it reminded me of the Style weekly article from a year ago where Steve Burton bragged that they had sold 12,000 memberships at between $30 and $80 per month. That is a minimum of $4,500,000 per year in membership dues to a gym that doesn't exist.

Chesterfield just got a little closer to owning some awesome fields!

Maybe it's just me, but it seems that almost weekly (or at least monthly) evidence comes out that points to Steve Burton being some combination of snake oil salesman, Bernie Madoff, and common criminal (note- I edited this because my words may have been strong and it's certainly possible that everything involving Sportsquest was done in good faith, though I have my doubts). I don't know the guy and I don't know that he set out to bilk anyone out of their money, but this whole deal seems to be well down an incredibly slippery slope with no life line available. Good news for Chesterfield County I suppose!
Last edited by Emanski's Heroes
Another update from RBS.

By the way, if you haven't figure it out is quickly becoming a go to resource for Richmond Business news. Bookmark it or Subscribe to the free newsfeed if you want it in your inbox every morning. RBS broke the Justin French story and routinely "scoops" the local media on stories such as this SQ debacle.

Apparently, some of the orginal RISE owners bought RISE back from SportQuest and are managing it under new (or old as the case may be) management. We got an email a couple days ago that RISE is no longer associated with Sports Quest. I'm sure a bunch of you got the same mass email. As far as baseball goes, I think this is very good news. From everyone we know, RISE did a great job with their baseball instruction and youth teams.
Some of you may remember that SQ tried to pressure RBA South into either folding into SQ or otherwise leaving that location.

SQ was out of line then, and failed.

RBA South is now, and always has been, wholly independent of SQ. It is a separate tenant in that building and the swirling of the SQ empire does not affect RBA South at all.

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